150 Among Us Tips and Tricks
Start, start, start!
Among Us is a hilarious spy game that’s taken over the gaming world. It’s quick to play, easy to learn, and difficult to master.
Similar to popular board games like One Night Ultimate Werewolf and The Resistance, it involves lying, alliances, and spycraft. But there are also other strategies.
Here are 150 tips and tricks you can use to outsmart your friends and family.
1. Asking lots of questions is a good way to hide in plain sight. After all, it’s rarely the detective that did the crime.
2. If you make your username a color, it can confuse people. Like if your name is Red, and your color is blue. You might escape an ejection! (Only works in public games.)
3. As an imposter, your goal is to blend in. You don’t want to stand out. Animals that stand out in nature get eaten first.
4. If you get booted from a game on accident, you don’t have to re-enter the code. Just click the arrow.
5. Asking where the body is can throw people off your scent. After all, if you killed the person, you know exactly where the body is.
6. If you find you’re always dying first or too early in the game, then start hanging out with other people. Follow them around. Imposters won’t usually kill you if there are witnesses.
7. Try to get an argument started between other players. The more others are fighting, the less they’ll be looking at you.
8. “If we vote wrong then we’ll lose the game,” followed up by, “I have no idea who to vote for,” can turn your certain death into a skipped vote. People don’t want to vote wrong at the end of the game.
9. It’s often possible to get someone to question their own sanity. Especially if they only saw a fleeting glimpse. Just be subtle about it. Don’t say they’re lying. Say that you believe they saw something, but maybe got the color wrong because you were in [room] the entire time. “White saw me.”
10. Instead of trying to figure out who the imposter is, try to figure out who is safe. You’ll figure out the imposter through process of elimination.
11. If someone else claims they were far away from a body, you can target them for blame by accusing of them of venting there.
12. Avoid lying about seeing someone vent unless you have an imposter buddy to back you up. Instead, make a suggestion that there’s no way someone could have travelled that far unless they vented.
13. If you’re having trouble joining games, look for ones with 5/10 players. It’s the best way to get a spot and the game will fill up fast.
14. New/inexperienced players tend to be more believable. So instead of saying the body was in Electrical, say “The place with the wires.” Or, “That room down near the bottom left of the ship.” This is a great trick for self-reporting a body.
15. If someone accuses you, throw it back in their face by saying something like, “Wow, black is getting really accusatory.”
16. Keep an eye out for people running in circles. They might be waiting for their kill timer to reset. Keep a safe distance. Definitely run for it if you think they’re trying to kill you.
17. If you kill someone on the right side of the map, sabotage the reactor. If you kill near the reactor, sabotage O2. This way people will run away from your kill. It gives you more time to blend into the crowd of innocents.
18. Don’t quit just because you died, this is a great opportunity for you to learn the map and get skilled at all of the tasks. (Some are tricky at first.)
19. If you’re dead, you can also take this opportunity to follow around the imposter and watch what they do. You’ll probably learn something!
20. Avoid calling an emergency meeting too soon. Other players will get annoyed and might boot you just because you interrupted them.
21. If you see someone run towards your room, but then back out when they see two people in it, that person might be an imposter. They were going to kill you, but chickened out when they saw another player.
22. If you haven’t seen anyone in a while and suspect it’s down to you and just one other crewmate, then call an emergency meeting. If you wait too long, then the imposter will kill you or your friend and win the game.
23. Don’t accuse someone and vote right away. Voting too early can be a sign that you’re lying.
24. If someone is acting completely different than last game, it’s a good bet they have switched roles between imposter and crewmate. Or, if they accuse someone who turns out to be innocent, they may be an imposter.
25. The game is much tougher to play when all your friends are on voice chat. It’s almost a completely different experience. Harder to lie when you’re speaking instead of typing.
26. Keep an eye on who votes for you. Especially if it’s a single vote, that could be an imposter. They don’t tend to vote along with the crewmates.
27. If you’re going to fake a task, run to the wall, then move again. People often reposition themselves once or twice to get in range of the activation button. Shuffling around makes your actions more believable.
28. People that ask for proof are often the imposter. You don’t need much proof to vote someone out. And besides, it’s anecdotal evidence at best. No such thing as hard proof in Among Us. People have to take your word for it.
29. You might play all night and not get the chance to be the imposter. Don’t worry about it. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be the imposter five times in a row. It will all balance out in the end.
30. Don’t vote crewmates out too early without solid evidence. If you eject the wrong person, then you’re just giving a free kill to the imposters.
31. When you’re finished your tasks, go hang out in a group with the other players. It’s almost impossible to kill someone in a group without notice.
32. If someone accuses you, say they’re safe. This can make them trust you. At least for a little while...
33. If you’re not the imposter and people are voting for you, and you know who the imposter is… say something like, “If I get voted out, vote for blue next. It’s them for sure.”
34. You can also use the above trick as a last-ditch effort to get a kill as an imposter. But as soon as the next round starts, sabotage something important, and they won’t be able to call a meeting. Then you can get another kill. Hopefully your imposter buddy finishes up the rest of them.
35. If you’re done your tasks, then consider calling an emergency meeting. Ask who isn’t finished. Imposters will have a hard time telling exactly which tasks they have left.
36. If you’re an imposter and you think the other imposter is going to mess up, then consider ratting them out as a last resort. The rest of the team will trust you when you’re proven right.
37. If you forget who the other imposters are, open the chat. Their name will be displayed in red.
38. As an imposter, if nobody is choosing someone to vote and there aren’t many players left, just blurt out a name with no proof. People will often follow along.
39. Don’t kill when cameras are blinking red. This means people are watching, and can see what you’re doing in four unique hallways.
40. If you’re the imposter, you can build credibility by saying your tasks are done and you were monitoring cams.
41. Cast your vote after making a definitive accusation. You’ll come across as very sure of yourself and your information, especially if you cast the first vote. If you don’t provide good evidence though, you’ll look sus.
42. To encourage a skip, tell people if they vote wrong then they’ll probably lose. You need as many crewmembers alive as possible to finish the tasks. Pro players will often skip a vote if they don’t have enough information to make an informed decision.
43. Wear a hat similar to others if you want to blend in. Pants will also make it harder to tell your color if you run past someone in a corridor.
44. The harder it is to differentiate your color, the easier it is to get a stack kill. (That’s when you kill someone on top of a bunch of people and report the body right away.)
45. If someone asks why you were following them, say that it’s because you trust them and you’re finished your tasks.
46. If you see someone do a visual task, like garbage or the medbay scan, that person is 100% not an imposter, since imposters can’t do tasks.
47. If you kill someone, try to establish an alibi as soon as possible. Do this by linking up with another player in another area.
48. Put as much distance between yourself and the body as possible if you’re the killer. Venting is a great way to do this.
49. If you dominate the conversation with evidence and alibis, then people are less likely to focus on you.
50. If someone has some flimsy evidence about another player, and you’re the imposter, ask “Are you sure?” Usually people say no, then later you can skip the vote and maybe later frame this person since they accused the wrong player.
51. Good players are great at faking tasks, so just because someone is near a task doesn’t mean they’re actually doing it. (Unless it has a visual representation, like med bay.)
52. If you want to focus the attention on someone, say, “I don’t trust blue at all.” You won’t even need to provide evidence. People will start conjuring things in their head.
53. Wear some pants to hide your color. If you have a big hat and different colored pants on, someone might mistake you for someone else. Especially if the lights are out.
54. If someone else provides flimsy evidence then you can say, “Okay so cyan is probably a killer,” and that will pile on the doubt.
55. If you’re not an imposter, then it’s better to deflect blame to a random player than die yourself. There’s a small chance you get lucky and nail an imposter, but if you die then there’s a 100% chance of losing a crewmember.
56. A good way to deflect blame is to state your location. Then attach yourself to another person. “I was in reactor. Blue saw me.” It doesn’t have to be true. People get confused easily.
57. If you’re trying to frame someone who has a flimsy alibi. Tell them that, “Your story is so bad.” Then say you’re voting for them.
58. The first person to provide evidence is usually off the hook from being accused. Especially early on. Make up something if you have to, even if you’re a crewmember. You don’t want to get ejected.
59. If you want to sound more convincing, then describe your task in detail. “I was in electrical trying to match the red wire, but my finger kept slipping.” Or, “I just destroyed 20 asteroids. What were you doing?”
60. If you see on the health scanner than someone has died, try to find the body ASAP. Then other people can present evidence. The more evidence collected, the more likely you are to spot the imposter.
61. If you and your friends get bored, then try a new map! Each one has its own challenges and strategies.
62. Frame someone by saying, “Can anyone vouch for blue?” This is an easy way to collect votes on someone.
63. Turn off confirm ejects for an even deeper mystery. Then you won’t know if you successfully booted an imposter or not. Makes the game a bit scarier.
64. If someone else agrees with your evidence, say, “Both blue and I saw him [do that thing].” This makes framing someone very easy, especially if you’re both imposters and down to the last few people. Then just kill one to win the game.
65. As an imposter, you can still win the game, even if people figure out who you are. Just make sure to kill the least obvious person ASAP. Get them out of the voting booth to help out your fellow imposters.
66. Several tasks on Polus can be done through the walls. Learn which tasks this works on and you’ll get extra vision to spot the imposter. They’re also less likely to kill you since you aren’t in a tiny room.
67. Avoid playing with high speed or vision. It makes the game too easy for the crewmates. You want a balance so that the imposters have time to kill and escape. If everyone is running around like Superman, then you’ll catch the imposters too quickly and ruin the game. Arguing and trying to figure out who the killer is can be the most fun part.
68. If nobody wants to vote for someone, then it’s fine to suggest a skip. Skipping makes you look like an honest player.
69. You can throw people off by saying, “Trust me it was red,” and follow up with, “If I’m wrong then never trust me again.” These lines work best if there are very few players left.
70. If someone is making an argument that your buddy is the imposter, but doesn’t have enough evidence, then kill the accuser in the next round. Your buddy will hopefully have an alibi, and the detective will be dead.
71. Try to organize a skip if your fellow imposter is being accused, but if everyone is voting for them, then you should as well. You don’t want to stand out from the crowd.
72. Throw everyone off guard by accusing a color that isn’t there. “It was brown for sure,” then when everyone is confused, drop a line like, “Sorry, I meant black.” This gives black very little time to defend themselves.
73. Establish an easy alibi by saying, “Who was in electrical with me just now?” Someone might chirp up and answer you even if they didn’t see you. People hate to look stupid or forgetful.
74. Fish out a potential imposter by saying you were near them. If they jump on that to establish an alibi, then there’s a good bet it was them.
75. You can finish the leaves/garbage task faster by grabbing the handle and pulling down as soon as it appears on the screen. It’ll save you a few seconds, which can be crucial.
76. If you’re an imposter and someone else trusts you, stop killing and stay near them. Keep establishing your alibi until it’s time to strike the final blow.
77. You can mess with people’s minds, especially the person who found the body. If they say, “It was in electric,” say, “I think I just saw blue near there.” That will put a lot of focus on blue, and you’re not straight up accusing them, so people won’t jump on you either.
78. If you see another player standing on top a vent when a sabotage occurs, this person is probably not the imposter, since the vent button replaces the sabotage button. (They could still be an imposter if there are two imposters in the game.)
79. Accuse someone of doing a fake task by saying, “I watched them do [the thing], and the task bar didn’t move.” If the task bar doesn’t move and they run off…. It was fake. (Unless it was a combo task like wires.)
80. When it’s down to four players, kill one and sabotage a far off area. Then run to that area and join the others. Now all you have to do is kill one more to win the game. You can stall for time by closing all the doors in the path to the body. This gives your kill timer a chance to reset. If you do it right, then it’s a guaranteed victory.
81. If you’re going to do a fake task, make sure it’s one in your fake task list. Then if someone calls you out on it, you can say exactly what you were doing. “I was filling the gas can.”
82. You can throw people off your tracks by asking, “Who last saw blue?” when it was you that killed them.
83. If you want to hide that you’re an imposter, play a round or two without killing anyone. This will build your credibility. You need credibility if you’re going to lie about an alibi.
84. If you hang out with someone then you can say, “I can guarantee it wasn’t pink, I was with them the whole time.” Pink will then usually say the same thing about you, and presto, you’ve established yourself as a trustworthy crewmate who would never murder anybody because that’s mean.
85. If you want to frame someone, ask if anybody can vouch for them. If nobody can…then someone else might accuse them.
86. Generally speaking, you want to avoid being the accuser. It’s better to let someone else do that. Because then if they’re wrong they could get targeted next.
87. If you check vitals and see someone is dead, then go look for the body instead of calling an emergency meeting. Without a location and rough time of death it’s hard to figure out who might have done it.
88. If you kill someone near a group of people, it’s better to self-report than try to run off. Someone will either notice you running, or notice that you weren’t there.
89. If you do self-report…then make sure to dominate the conversation. Talk about the body, where exactly you found it, who was around, etc.
90. Floating names is a good way to get the conversation away from you. “I think it could be blue, what do you guys think?” Start a conversation or a debate, and then step back and let the others argue.
91. If you’re an imposter in a game with at least two imposters, keep an eye on the kill button. If it blinks quickly and flashes (1) that means that your imposter friend just killed someone.
92. Deflect aggro from your fellow imposter by telling the group that this person isn’t a good imposter. They’re a newbie, haven’t played recently, bad at lying, etc. “It’s probably not them since they clearly have no idea what they’re doing.”
93. Fixing the wires in front of security will always make the task bar go up, since if it’s in the wire rotation, it’s always the last one. This makes it easy to spot someone doing fake wires.
94. If someone doesn’t have great evidence, and they make the first accusation, then you can turn it back on them by saying something like, “I don’t know…blue is pointing a lot of fingers…”
95. Turn out the lights when there are only a few players left. Other sabotages can waste more time, but turning off the lights can give you the best chances of winning. People won’t be able to see you killing, so you can blame whoever else was with you.
96. One great way to get better at the game is to play in a group over voice chat. It’s almost a totally different game than chat. It’s harder to lie, so it forces you to get better at it.
97. To avoid detection, keep referencing your alibi. “I’ve been with red the entire game, it’s literally impossible for me to be the killer.”
98. Down to only a few people? Call a meeting and ask who has tasks left. Then run around in a group to complete them. This makes it very hard for the imposter to kill anyone.
99. Try this line to frame someone: “I don’t know who to vote for, but I’m leaning towards blue because they’ve been so 50/50 on everything.” It doesn’t really mean anything, but will likely start an argument. Blue will defend themselves harder than normal and this can come across as fake.
100. On Polus, everyone except the imposter will have the key task. Each person has a unique key slot. Ask everyone which slot they had. Imposters will have a slim chance of picking a random empty key slot.
101. Don’t quit games just because you weren’t the imposter. You’ll never get good this way. Learn to crewmate! If you’re on voice chat with friends, then crewmate can be a super fun role. You’ll also learn more by observing
102. Reverse the blame by accusing someone of “gaslighting” you and/or the group. This magic word can destroy even the strongest alibi.
103. If someone sees you hop into a vent and calls an emergency meeting, then instead of lying that you didn’t vent, tell them that you were in a certain room. “I’ve been in the reactor this entire time.” (Make sure the room is empty.) Follow it up with, “I’m not saying he didn’t see someone hop into a vent, but it just wasn’t me.”
104. The “inspect sample” task in the medbay is unique from other tasks on The Skeld. You can start it, walk away, and finish it later. You don’t have to sit there until all the vials are filled.
105. If someone questions your vote, then just tell people you clicked on the wrong player. “I dropped my phone!”
106. If you have to kill in a large group, report the body right away. They might be occupied and not see you commit the actual murder.
107. If you do get away with murder but lots of suspicion has been cast on you, then don’t kill anyone next round. Let the other imposter do some work. By the next kill, people might have forgotten what you did earlier.
108. If you don’t know who the killer is then you should be skipping. Don’t help out the imposters by killing your own crewmates. You need them to help finish tasks and win the game.
109. It’s human nature to flee a crime scene, especially a murder. If you can master the art of self-reporting a body, you’ll win more games as imposter.
110. Confuse people by asking a question with no answer. Reactor was empty, but say you saw someone. Be like, “I saw someone else in reactor. Who was that? Why is nobody talking? I don’t care about the vote, I just want to know who that other person was.”
111. If you’re running away from a fresh kill, then hug the walls. You might just escape the edge of someone else’s vision. Don’t let them see you!
112. If two people are accusing each other, and then next round one of them is killed, the imposter is probably the other one.
113. Practice venting in public games before you play with your friends. Learning how to vent properly is an important skill to winning as imposter.
114. If someone accuses you, you can say, “Wait, did we clear blue?” instead of arguing. Arguing that you’re innocent is less effective than casting the blame on someone else.
115. If another player is standing next to the cam button, and a major sabotage occurs, that player is definitely not the imposter, since you can’t open the sabotage menu if you’re too close to the camera button.
116. If you discover too many bodies, people will accuse you of self-reporting your kills. Avoid this by fleeing the scene and saying you were elsewhere.
117. Try to remember it’s just a game. There’s no reason to get upset. Just play another one!
118. The sabotage button is disabled when you’re standing too close to an administration button, like cameras. So if someone claims they were on cams, but were standing a few feet away and an emergency starts, it’s a good bet it was them that caused it.
119. Accuse people of trolling you if you don’t like how the votes are going. People don’t like to look like bullies.
120. If it’s down to four players, then you should play riskier. Kill anyone that separates from the herd. Then go kill the last one. Even if they’re with a friend, you still win the game.
121. Use free play mode to practice venting, sabotaging, and tasks. There is a special laptop in the cafeteria that allows you to switch roles.
122. If you’re going to fake a task, you should know how long it usually takes. Mime it out with your phone or mouse. If other players are in the same physical room as you, they’ll think you’re honest.
123. To catch an imposter, hang out at the edge of your vision near a vent. From their side, it will look like the room is clear. They’ll be caught as soon as they pop out and take a few steps.
124. If you suspect someone is an imposter, then ask them to name all the tasks they’ve done. This is very hard to lie about. Even the best players often trip up.
125. If you think someone is chasing you and wants to kill you, then run to the button and call a meeting. Accuse them of chasing you.
126. To pull off a stack kill, eliminate someone, report the body, and then say you saw the murder but have no idea who it was. “It had to be either, blue, white, or pink.”
127. Telling someone, “I know you're innocent,” will make it sound like you’re a crewmate. Just don’t tell them how you know, haha.
128. Don’t be afraid to call an emergency meeting if you’ve lost track of your safety buddy. (The player you’ve been hanging out with all game.) Even if nobody has died, you’ll be able to re-group after the vote is skipped.
129. If you want to create a debate between two people, then say something like, “For me it's either white or blue.” Someone else will chime in with a vote. “Blue then.”
130. People who agree to skip too quickly are often the imposter. Imposters benefit hugely from a skipped vote because they’ll get in another round of killing.
131. Anyone who runs off by themselves at the start of the game is usually either an imposter or a new player. Stick with the group if you want to survive!
132. Hop in a vent and chill if you want to hide before someone finds the body. If you’re in a vent when a meeting is called, or a body is found, then nobody will be able to say you were near the corpse.
133. Be patient when hunting for kills. If you rush one, then you’re more likely to get caught. It often takes the crew more than 15 minutes to finish all the tasks. Especially if they keep getting interrupted by sabotage. Maximize your play time by locking people into rooms.
134. Pay attention to who runs off together at the start of a round. If pink and purple head down a corridor together, and then pink is found dead, it’s more likely to be purple than any other player. You can also rule out safe players this way.
135. Refute an accusation with a phrase like: “Are you kidding me? I was in in 02 doing leaves. We need real info. Does anybody have any evidence?”
136. Asking someone which specific tasks they performed in the last round is a good way to catch an imposter. While they might run around faking tasks, it’s tough to remember the names/actions after a round ends.
137. Bait an imposter into killing you and revealing themselves by standing over a camera. The imposter won’t be able to see the blinking red light and won’t know someone is watching. (This tip requires you to die. So be careful.)
138. If you lose track of the blinking lights reactor task (Simon Says), then close it and re-open. You won’t have to start over. You only have to start this task over if a body is found or a meeting is called.
139. Generally speaking, the person who “leads” the meeting isn’t usually an imposter. The meeting leader tends to be the person with the most solid evidence. Like if someone says, “I saw green vent,” it’s either them or green that’s an imposter.
140. Use a dead person to establish an alibi. “I was with red literally the entire game. That’s why they killed him.”
141. Build credibility by telling the group which exact path you took before the body was found. Whoever stumbles over their pathing is often the imposter. (Since they have to make something up on the fly.)
142. Telling the group “We have to vote right or we lose,” is a good way to encourage a skip. Nobody wants to be the one that ruined the game. Better for the ego to skip and lose together, than accidently lose the game by voting the wrong person because you had flimsy evidence.
143. Apologize to a dead player, and you'll regain the credibility you lost on your last bad accusation. This also reduces the aggro you’ll get from players that are still alive. Crewmates are remorseful, imposters are not.
144. Killing your travel buddy then sabotaging is a good way to hide your murder. People might not find the body until much later. By then you’ll be in the clear with an alibi.
145. If you're trying to do a fake task, and an emergency meeting is called, then make sure to go back to that same task. People hate leaving things unfinished.
146. On that same note, you can complain about your task to establish credibility. “I was one step away from finishing the stupid blink reactor task.”
147. The shields task on The Skeld can be done from the hallway. There’s no reason to run into that tiny little hall. If you’re killed there, people might never find your body.
148. If there are only three players left and you’re the imposter then you can guarantee a win by causing an emergency and then killing a player. They won’t be able to call a meeting if the reactor is ticking down.
149. If you’re about to be ejected as imposter then pretend to troll by calling out your ‘fellow imposter” but not the right one. “Fine whatever it was me and white. You guys suck. I quit.” But it wasn’t white
150. If you’re venting from electrical to security, make sure to hop over to med bay first. This gives you a full view of the security room. (You won’t be able to see the cam station from the vent in security. So popping out is risky.