172 Weird Would You Rather Questions

Embrace yourselves for you're about to embark on a wild, wacky, and somewhat uncomfortable journey through the world of "Would You Rather" questions! This isn't your typical list of mundane, run-of-the-mill dilemmas; instead, we've gathered a whopping collection of 172 bizarre, offbeat, and downright icky scenarios for your contemplation (and perhaps, your personal amusement or torment). Whether you're looking to spark up your next social gathering, challenge your own comfort zones, or simply indulge in some solitary musing, this diverse assortment is bound to keep you entertained and guessing.

Okay here we go!

1. Would you rather eat a bbq’d tarantula or a handful of earthworms?

2. Would you rather be kidnapped by aliens or ninjas?

3. Would you rather be eaten alive by a T-REX, or an octopus?

4. Would you rather smell like farts all day, or dirty socks?

5. Would you rather be president of Earth, or absolute ruler and king/queen of Mars?

6. Would you rather always have wet socks or always have a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?

7. Would you rather have your body covered in fur or scales?

8. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or no eyebrows at all?

9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry tomato juice?

10. Would you rather smell like rotten eggs when you burp or have a green cloud appear when you fart?

11. Would you rather have taste buds on your feet or hear through your nose?

12. Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you need to sneeze but not be able to?

13. Would you rather use sandpaper as toilet paper or vinegar as eye drops?

14. Would you rather drink a cup of spoiled milk or eat a moldy piece of bread?

15. Would you rather always have a booger hanging from your nose or a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth?

16. Would you rather have a tail that can’t be hidden or horns that everyone can see?

17. Would you rather be able to only whisper or only shout?

18. Would you rather always smell like a skunk or smell skunks everywhere you go?

19. Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or the bathroom floor?

20. Would you rather wear shoes one size too small or clothes three sizes too big?

21. Would you rather always have a runny nose or constantly have Cheeto dust on your fingers?

22. Would you rather lick your own armpit or someone else’s foot?

23. Would you rather bathe in fish sauce or wash your hair with mayonnaise?

24. Would you rather have a permanent splinter under your big toenail, or a permanent bad haircut?

25. Would you rather belch bubbles or fart rainbows?

26. Would you rather always be itchy or always be sticky?

27. Would you rather eat a bowl of uncooked rice or a bowl of uncooked pasta?

28. Would you rather sleep in a bed of ice or in a bed of hot coals?

29. Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?

30. Would you rather have a 5 inch long nose hair or a 5 inch long eyebrow?

31. Would you rather constantly smell rotten meat or constantly smell skunk?

32. Would you rather only be able to eat with your feet or only be able to walk on your hands?

33. Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dirty and smelly or not be able to use a toilet at all for a week?

34. Would you rather have to sneeze but not be able to or have something stuck in your eye for an entire year?

35. Would you rather eat a whole jar of mayonnaise or a tub of butter?

36. Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?

37. Would you rather have a constant itch in the middle of your back or a constant twitch in your eye?

38. Would you rather be forced to eat only spicy food or only incredibly bland food?

39. Would you rather be constantly tired no matter how much you sleep or constantly hungry no matter what you eat?

40. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?

41. Would you rather have a permanent clown face or permanent clown clothes?

42. Would you rather have a foot-long nose or a foot-long tongue?

43. Would you rather have your mouth40. Would you rather have your mouth full of bees or a snake as a tie?

44. Would you rather bathe in sweat or swim in saliva?

45. Would you rather have slugs for fingers or snails for toes?

46. Would you rather always talk in rhymes or sing instead of speaking?

47. Would you rather use a cactus as a pillow or use a porcupine as a hairbrush?

48. Would you rather smell like a foot or only smell things that smell like feet?

49. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of food with no taste or a lifetime supply of your favorite meal but it's always cold?

50. Would you rather always feel like you're about to fall or feel like everything is spinning around you?

51. Would you rather have your tongue stuck to a frozen pole or have a bucket stuck on your foot for a year?

52. Would you rather always be sticky or slippery?

53. Would you rather have to sleep in a bed full of crumbs or a bed full of pebbles?

54. Would you rather have to lick every doorknob you see or every dollar bill you spend?

55. Would you rather have to walk everywhere on all fours or only be able to hop on one foot?

56. Would you rather have your teeth replaced with popcorn kernels or your hair replaced with spaghetti?

57. Would you rather only be able to eat foods that are blue or only be able to drink liquids that are red?

58. Would you rather have to shout every time you speak or whisper every time you speak?

59. Would you rather eat a whole raw onion or a whole lemon, peel and all?

60. Would you rather have a nose like an elephant's trunk or ears like a rabbit's ears?

61. Would you rather have to always wear winter clothes in the summer or summer clothes in the winter?

62. Would you rather have the hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you have to sneeze but can't?

63. Would you rather have to use sandpaper as toilet paper or vinegar as eye drops?

64. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of spaghetti that was just washed in toilet water or have to eat a chocolate bar that was just dropped in a mud puddle?

65. Would you rather always have a small rock in your shoe or always have a hair in your mouth that you can never remove?

66. Would you rather eat a raw egg, shell included, or eat a handful of worms?

67. Would you rather permanently have a bright red nose like Rudolph or permanently have green skin like the Grinch?

68. Would you rather have to walk on your hands everywhere you go or have to crawl on your knees?

69. Would you rather have a tongue the size of your arm or arms the size of your tongue?

70. Would you rather have to wear your clothes backward for the rest of your life or have to wear your shoes on the wrong feet?

71. Would you rather have to eat a whole jar of pickles in one sitting or have to eat a whole watermelon, including the rind, in one sitting?

72. Would you rather have your teeth replaced with candy canes or your hair replaced with tinsel?

73. Would you rather have a voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard or a voice that sounds like a duck's quack?

74. Would you rather have your hands replaced with forks or your feet replaced with spatulas?

75. Would you rather live the rest of your life with silent, but uncontrollably violent, hiccups or live the rest of your life with uncontrollably loud sneezes?

76. Would you rather have to eat every meal with chopsticks or with your74. Would you rather have to eat every meal with your hands?

77. Would you rather have a belly button that dispenses ketchup or a nose that dispenses mustard?

78. Would you rather have to wear a helmet all the time or have to wear floaties all the time?

79. Would you rather be able to taste colors or see smells?

80. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or sweat mayonnaise?

81. Would you rather have fingers as long as your legs or legs as short as your fingers?

82. Would you rather have a potato for a nose or tomatoes for eyes?

83. Would you rather always have a pebble in your shoe or always have a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?

84. Would you rather have a finger growing out of your forehead or an extra arm?

85. Would you rather sneeze cheese or sweat soup?

86. Would you rather have to sleep in a bed of peanut butter or a bed of jelly?

87. Would you rather have a cat's tail or a dog's ears?

88. Would you rather have a duck's bill or a beaver's tail?

89. Would you rather have a rhinoceros horn or a peacock tail?

90. Would you rather have a neck as long as a giraffe or legs as skinny as a pelican?

91. Would you rather have legs as long as an ostrich or arms as long as a gorilla?

92. Would you rather have a turtle shell or a lobster claw?

93. Would you rather vomit marbles or sweat beads?

94. Would you rather sneeze glitter or fart confetti?

95. Would you rather have to eat a whole jar of olives or a whole jar of pickles?

96. Would you rather have a pet tarantula or a pet snake?

97. Would you rather have to wear wet socks all day or have to wear a tight hat all day?

98. Would you rather always smell like onions or always smell like garlic?

99. Would you rather eat a whole raw potato or a whole head of raw broccoli?

100. Would you rather have your hair made of soggy spaghetti or your teeth made of hard candy?

101. Would you rather always have to hop around on one foot or always have to skip instead of walk?

102. Would you rather always feel like you're about to sneeze or have a permanent itch on your back that you can't reach?

103. Would you rather eat a can of cat food or eat two rotten tomatoes?

104. Would you rather have a porcupine as your pillow or a skunk as your blanket?

105. Would you rather have to sleep on a bed of ice or on a bed of hot coals?

106. Would you rather have a head the size of a grapefruit or the size of a watermelon?

107. Would you rather have a giant belly button 10 inches long that swayed to music or accordions for legs?

108. Would you rather sweat so much you soak your clothes or never sweat again, but have to wear three sweaters all the time?

109. Would you rather always feel like you just walked through a spider web or always have a tickling sensation in your nose?

110. Would you rather lick the floor of a public restroom or the seat of a public bus?

111. Would you rather bathe in vinegar or brush your teeth with dish soap?

112. Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?

113. Would you rather always talk in the third person or never be able to call someone by their name?

114. Would you rather have to announce to everyone around you whenever you have to fart or pee your pants daily in public?

115. Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?

116. Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon?

117. Would you rather have to burp after every time you kiss or drool every time you speak?

118. Would you rather have uncontrollable ear hair or nose hair?

119. Would you rather have the hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

120. Would you rather always smell like a fart nobody will admit to or always smell farts that no one else smells?

121. Would you rather eat only roadkill for the rest of your life or have everyone else in the world sound like Gilbert Gottfried?

122. Would you rather have a bell go off every single time you were aroused or feel a sharp pain in your side every time someone said your name?

123. Would you rather have a permanently clogged nose or a piece of green food always stuck in your teeth?

124. Would you rather fart loudly every time you have a serious conversation or burp after every kiss?

125. Would you rather become twice as strong when both of your fingers are stuck in your ears or crawl twice as fast as you can run?

126. Would you rather have a criminal justice system that actually works and is fair or an administrative government that is free of corruption?

127. Would you rather have real political power but be relatively poor or be ridiculously rich and have no political power?

128. Would you rather have everything you’ve ever wanted but you die in one year or live your life as it is now?

129. Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?

130. Would you rather be an amazing painter or a brilliant mathematician?

131. Would you rather be the best in the world at climbing trees or the best in the world at jumping rope?

132. Would you rather never have to clean a bathroom again or never have to do dishes again?

133. Would you rather be a master of every musical instrument or fluent in every language?

134. Would you rather never sweat again or never feel cold again?

135. Would you rather have all dogs try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you?

136. Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence?

137. Would you rather 5% of the population have telepathy, or 5% of the population have telekinesis? You are not part of the 5% that has telepathy or telekinesis.

138. Would you rather be an unimportant character in the last movie you saw or an unimportant character in the last book you read?

139. Would you rather move to a new city or town every139. Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?

140. Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?

141. Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?

142. Would you rather suddenly be elected a senator or suddenly become a CEO of a major company? (You won’t have any more knowledge about how to do either job than you do right now.)

143. Would you rather live in virtual reality where you are all powerful or live in the real world and be able to go anywhere but not be able to interact with anyone or anything?

144. Would you rather have whatever you are thinking appear above your head for everyone to see or have absolutely everything you do live streamed for anyone to see?

145. Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or once a week spend a day inside a stranger without having any control of them?

146. Would you rather know how above or below average you are at everything or know how above or below average people are at one skill/talent just by looking at them?

147. Would you rather live until you are 200 but look like you are 200 the whole time even though you are healthy or look like you are 25 all the way until you die at age 65?

148. Would you rather have an unlimited international first-class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?

149. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?

150. Would you rather have all your clothes be way too big or way too small?

151. Would you rather only be able to use a fork (no spoon) or only be able to use a spoon (no fork)?

152. Would you rather have plants grow at 10 times their normal rate when you are near or for people and animals to stop aging when you are near them?

153. Would you rather have chapped lips that never heal or terrible dandruff that can’t be treated?

154. Would you rather have out of control body hair or a strong, pungent body odor?

155. Would you rather have all animals feel compelled to obey you if you come within 10 feet of them or be given the opportunity to redesign the next species of human?

156. Would you rather have unlimited amounts of any material you want to build a house but you have to build the house all by yourself or have a famed architect design and build you a modest house?

157. Would you rather live in a cave or live in a treehouse?

158. Would you rather have everything you draw become real but be permanently terrible at drawing or be able to fly but only as fast as you can walk?

159. Would you rather there be a perpetual water balloon war going on in your city/town or a perpetual food fight?

160. Would you rather have to fart loudly every time you have a serious conversation or have to burp after every kiss?

161. Would you rather eat a sandwich made from 4 ingredients in your fridge chosen at random or eat a sandwich made by a group of your friends from 4 ingredients in your fridge?

162. Would you rather everyone be required to wear identical silver jumpsuits or any time two people meet and are wearing an identical article of clothing, they must fight to the death?

163. Would you rather have all dogs try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you?

164. Would you rather be compelled to high five everyone you165. Would you rather be compelled to high five everyone you meet or be required to give wedgies to anyone in a green shirt?

165. Would you rather live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-through house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization?

166. Would you rather have to write with a broken pencil or type with only your two index fingers?

167. Would you rather have all your thoughts broadcasted so that everyone will always know what you are thinking while you are thinking it or never be allowed to wear clothes but keep your thoughts to yourself?

168. Would you rather have a map that shows you the location of anything you want to find and can be used again and again but has a margin of error of up to a mile or a device that allows you to find the location of anything you want with incredible accuracy but can only be used three times?

169. Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions or tattoos appear all over your body depicting what you did yesterday?

170. Would you rather randomly time travel +/- 20 years every time you fart or teleport to a different place on earth (on land, not water) every time you sneeze?

171. Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?

172. Would you rather someone eat your leg or your arm in front of you?

And there you have it, a comprehensive assortment of 172 weird, obscure, and quite possibly unsettling "Would You Rather" questions. We hope you've enjoyed this peculiar journey into the realm of the bizarre, and perhaps even discovered new aspects of your preferences and tolerances along the way. Whether you're chuckling, cringing, or still pondering over some of these quirky conundrums, we encourage you to share these questions with friends, family, or anyone brave enough to join in the fun. After all, life's too short for the ordinary, so why not embrace the extraordinary, no matter how weird or icky it may be!


181 Flirty Would You Rather Questions


172 Deep Would You Rather Questions