20 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman on a First Date

First dates are about making a positive impression and establishing a connection. However, certain comments can be off-putting or disrespectful, especially when directed towards a woman. It's crucial to be mindful of your words to ensure the conversation remains respectful and enjoyable. Here are 20 things you should absolutely avoid saying to a woman on a first date, along with explanations of why these comments can be problematic.

1. "Why Are You Still Single?"

  • Why to Avoid: This question implies that there is something wrong with being single, which can be offensive or invasive.

2. "You Look Different From Your Pictures."

  • Why to Avoid: This can come off as an accusation of deception or dissatisfaction with her appearance.

3. "You Should Smile More."

  • Why to Avoid: It's patronizing and implies that she needs to change her demeanor for you.

4. "How Many People Have You Dated?"

  • Why to Avoid: It’s intrusive and irrelevant to your potential relationship with her.

5. "My Ex Used to..."

  • Why to Avoid: Comparing her to your ex can make her feel like she's being measured against someone else.

6. "You're Not Like Other Girls."

  • Why to Avoid: This comment stereotypes women and pits them against each other.

7. "You Would Look Better If..."

  • Why to Avoid: Critiquing her appearance is rude and can be damaging to her self-esteem.

8. "I Bet You Get A Lot of Attention From Guys."

  • Why to Avoid: This comment can be seen as objectifying or making assumptions about her interactions.

9. "Are You Going to Eat All of That?"

  • Why to Avoid: Commenting on her eating habits is inappropriate and can be embarrassing.

10. "You Should Try Wearing..."

  • Why to Avoid: Suggesting she change her style is disrespectful to her personal choices.

11. "I Don't Usually Date Your Type."

  • Why to Avoid: This implies she is an exception in a negative way and can be demeaning.

12. "How Old Are You Really?"

  • Why to Avoid: Questioning her age is impolite and irrelevant to the date.

13. "My Mother Would Love/Hate You."

  • Why to Avoid: Bringing up parental approval or disapproval can be awkward and premature.

14. "You're Acting Just Like My Ex."

  • Why to Avoid: Comparisons to ex-partners are generally unwelcome and can be upsetting.

15. "Are You Looking for a Serious Relationship?"

  • Why to Avoid: This can put undue pressure on her to define her intentions prematurely.

16. "You Seem Too Good to Be True."

  • Why to Avoid: This can come off as insincere or as if you're waiting for a flaw to appear.

17. "I'm Not Really Looking for Anything Serious."

  • Why to Avoid: Saying this upfront can make it seem like you're only interested in a casual hookup.

18. "You're So Much Cooler Online."

  • Why to Avoid: This implies disappointment in her real-life persona compared to her online presence.

19. "Do You Always Wear This Much Makeup?"

  • Why to Avoid: Criticizing her makeup choices is disrespectful and implies that she's hiding her true self.

20. "I Love Women Who Are [Trait/Stereotype]."

  • Why to Avoid: Generalizing or fetishizing certain traits is objectifying and disrespectful.

Being mindful of these topics helps in creating a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere where both parties feel valued and comfortable. Remember, a first date is an opportunity to get to know someone as they are, without judgment or unwarranted assumptions.


20 Things You Should Never Say to a Man on a First Date


20 Things You Should Never Talk About on a First Date