200 Trivia Questions That Will Stump Even the Smartest Person
Think you're the ultimate trivia master? Think again. We've compiled 200 of the trickiest, most brain-busting trivia questions that will challenge even the most knowledgeable person. From history and science to pop culture and geography, these questions will test every corner of your brain. Are you ready to prove your intelligence?
General Knowledge Trivia
1. What is the only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name? (Q)
2. What is the smallest country in the world? (Vatican City)
3. How many elements are in the periodic table? (118)
4. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? (Michelangelo)
5. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
6. Which Shakespeare play features the famous "To be, or not to be" soliloquy? (Hamlet)
7. What is the square root of 144? (12)
8. Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Graham Bell)
9. What year did the Titanic sink? (1912)
10. What is the national animal of Scotland? (Unicorn)
Science & Nature Trivia
11. What planet is known as the "Red Planet"? (Mars)
12. How many bones are in the adult human body? (206)
13. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? (Diamond)
14. What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere? (Carbon dioxide)
15. Which element has the chemical symbol 'Au'? (Gold)
16. What is the longest river in the world? (Nile River)
17. How many teeth does an adult human typically have? (32)
18. What is the rarest blood type? (AB negative)
19. Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite? (Hippopotamus)
20. What is the largest organ in the human body? (Skin)
History & Geography Trivia
21. Who was the first president of the United States? (George Washington)
22. Which war was fought between the North and South regions of the U.S.? (American Civil War)
23. What year did World War II end? (1945)
24. What is the capital city of Canada? (Ottawa)
25. Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States? (France)
26. What is the longest wall in the world? (Great Wall of China)
27. Who was the first person to step on the moon? (Neil Armstrong)
28. What ancient civilization built Machu Picchu? (Inca Empire)
29. What is the tallest mountain in the world? (Mount Everest)
30. Which country has the most natural lakes? (Canada)
Pop Culture & Entertainment Trivia
31. Who played Jack in Titanic? (Leonardo DiCaprio)
32. What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? (Hedwig)
33. What is the highest-grossing film of all time? (Avatar)
34. What is the main ingredient in guacamole? (Avocado)
35. Which band released the album "Abbey Road"? (The Beatles)
36. Who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"? (Harper Lee)
37. What is Batman’s real name? (Bruce Wayne)
38. In what year was Netflix founded? (1997)
39. Which TV series features a coffee shop called Central Perk? (Friends)
40. What is the best-selling video game of all time? (Minecraft)
Mind-Blowing Trivia Questions
41. What is the only even prime number? (2)
42. What is the term for a word that is spelled the same forward and backward? (Palindrome)
43. How many hearts does an octopus have? (Three)
44. What is the name of the fear of long words? (Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)
45. What color is a polar bear’s skin? (Black)
46. What animal can’t jump? (Elephant)
47. How many time zones does Russia have? (11)
48. What is the only planet that rotates clockwise? (Venus)
49. Which famous inventor had over 1,000 patents to his name? (Thomas Edison)
50. What is the rarest M&M color? (Brown)
Sports & Games Trivia
51. How many players are there on a baseball team? (9)
52. What is the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches? (18 inches)
53. What is the only sport to be played on the moon? (Golf)
54. Who holds the record for the most Olympic gold medals? (Michael Phelps)
55. What is the national summer sport of Canada? (Lacrosse)
56. How many squares are there on a chessboard? (64)
57. What is the term for three consecutive strikes in bowling? (Turkey)
58. In which sport would you perform a slam dunk? (Basketball)
59. What is the maximum score in a game of ten-pin bowling? (300)
60. Which country has won the most FIFA World Cups? (Brazil)
Food & Drink Trivia
61. What is the main ingredient in traditional Japanese miso soup? (Miso paste)
62. What type of fruit is a Honeycrisp? (Apple)
63. What is the world’s most expensive spice by weight? (Saffron)
64. What is the name of the Italian dish consisting of layered pasta, sauce, and cheese? (Lasagna)
65. Which fast-food chain is known for its "Whopper" burger? (Burger King)
66. What type of alcohol is made from fermented rice? (Sake)
67. What is the name of the process by which beer is made? (Brewing)
68. What is the national dish of Mexico? (Tacos)
69. What is the most popular pizza topping in the United States? (Pepperoni)
70. What is the traditional main ingredient in hummus? (Chickpeas)
Literature & Language Trivia
71. Who wrote "1984"? (George Orwell)
72. What is the longest word in the English dictionary? (Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis)
73. What is the name of the punctuation mark used to indicate a pause in a sentence? (Comma)
74. What is the study of word origins called? (Etymology)
75. Who created Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)
76. What is the only word in the English language that ends in "mt"? (Dreamt)
77. In what book series would you find the character Katniss Everdeen? (The Hunger Games)
78. What is the plural of "moose"? (Moose)
79. Who wrote "Pride and Prejudice"? (Jane Austen)
80. What language has the most native speakers in the world? (Mandarin Chinese)
Technology & Inventions Trivia
81. Who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web? (Tim Berners-Lee)
82. What does "HTTP" stand for? (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
83. What was the first video game ever created? (Pong)
84. What year was the first iPhone released? (2007)
85. What does "AI" stand for in computing? (Artificial Intelligence)
86. Who founded Microsoft? (Bill Gates and Paul Allen)
87. What does CPU stand for? (Central Processing Unit)
88. What was the first social media platform? (Six Degrees)
89. Which company developed the first mass-produced personal computer? (IBM)
90. What does the "S" in HTTPS stand for? (Secure)
Animal Trivia
91. What is the fastest land animal? (Cheetah)
92. What is the largest species of shark? (Whale Shark)
93. How many legs does a spider have? (8)
94. What is a baby goat called? (Kid)
95. What is the only mammal that can fly? (Bat)
96. What bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech? (Parrot)
97. How long can a snail sleep? (Up to three years)
98. What is the largest land animal? (Elephant)
99. What is a group of crows called? (A murder)
100. What is the smallest species of dog? (Chihuahua)
Mythology & Folklore Trivia
101. Who is the Greek god of war? (Ares)
102. What is the name of Thor’s hammer? (Mjolnir)
103. Who is the king of the Greek gods? (Zeus)
104. What is the name of the legendary sword of King Arthur? (Excalibur)
105. Who was the Roman goddess of love? (Venus)
106. What creature is half lion, half eagle? (Griffin)
107. What is the underworld called in Greek mythology? (Hades)
108. Who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans? (Prometheus)
109. What is the name of the Norse end-of-the-world prophecy? (Ragnarok)
110. What legendary city is said to have sunk into the ocean? (Atlantis)
Space & Astronomy Trivia
111. What is the largest planet in our solar system? (Jupiter)
112. What is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system? (The Milky Way)
113. What is the closest planet to the sun? (Mercury)
114. What is the hottest planet in the solar system? (Venus)
115. What is the term for a star that has exploded? (Supernova)
116. What is the name of the first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth? (Sputnik 1)
117. What is the smallest planet in the solar system? (Mercury)
118. What is the name of the first human to travel into space? (Yuri Gagarin)
119. What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system? (Olympus Mons)
120. What planet is known for its rings? (Saturn)
Music Trivia
121. Who is known as the "King of Pop"? (Michael Jackson)
122. What is the best-selling album of all time? (Thriller by Michael Jackson)
123. Which musical instrument has 88 keys? (Piano)
124. What was the first music video played on MTV? ("Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles)
125. What is the capital of country music in the U.S.? (Nashville)
126. Who was the lead singer of Queen? (Freddie Mercury)
127. What genre of music originated in Jamaica? (Reggae)
128. What is the highest vocal range for a singer called? (Soprano)
129. Who wrote the opera The Magic Flute? (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
130. What was Elvis Presley’s first number-one hit? ("Heartbreak Hotel")
TV & Movie Trivia
131. What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
132. What is the name of the fictional town in Stranger Things? (Hawkins)
133. What actor played Forrest Gump? (Tom Hanks)
134. What is the name of the coffee shop in Friends? (Central Perk)
135. Which movie features the quote, "There’s no place like home"? (The Wizard of Oz)
136. Who played Wolverine in the X-Men movies? (Hugh Jackman)
137. What movie features a theme park filled with cloned dinosaurs? (Jurassic Park)
138. Which animated movie features the song "Let It Go"? (Frozen)
139. Who is the main protagonist in Breaking Bad? (Walter White)
140. What is the highest-grossing animated film of all time? (The Lion King 2019 remake)
Human Body & Health Trivia
141. What is the largest bone in the human body? (Femur)
142. What is the main organ responsible for pumping blood? (Heart)
143. What part of the human body contains the most bones? (Hands)
144. How many chambers does the heart have? (Four)
145. What is the body’s largest muscle? (Gluteus maximus)
146. What substance gives skin and hair its color? (Melanin)
147. How many lungs does a human have? (Two)
148. What is the strongest muscle based on its size? (Masseter, the jaw muscle)
149. What is the scientific name for the collarbone? (Clavicle)
150. What vitamin is produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight? (Vitamin D)
Technology & Internet Trivia
151. What does "WWW" stand for in a website URL? (World Wide Web)
152. What year was Facebook founded? (2004)
153. What company created the first smartphone? (IBM)
154. What was the first search engine? (Archie)
155. Who is the CEO of Tesla? (Elon Musk)
156. What is the best-selling gaming console of all time? (PlayStation 2)
157. What does the acronym "PDF" stand for? (Portable Document Format)
158. What does USB stand for? (Universal Serial Bus)
159. What is the name of Apple’s virtual assistant? (Siri)
160. What programming language is most commonly used for web development? (JavaScript)
Weird & Random Trivia
161. What is the fear of spiders called? (Arachnophobia)
162. What is the most common letter in the English alphabet? (E)
163. What country has the most time zones? (France)
164. What is the only U.S. state that starts with the letter "P"? (Pennsylvania)
165. What is the only continent without snakes? (Antarctica)
166. What does a funambulist walk on? (A tightrope)
167. What color is a giraffe’s tongue? (Black)
168. What is the official language of Brazil? (Portuguese)
169. What is the longest word in English that doesn’t repeat a letter? (Uncopyrightable)
170. What is the national flower of Japan? (Cherry blossom)
Holiday & Celebration Trivia
171. What year did the first official Thanksgiving take place in the U.S.? (1621)
172. What is the most popular Halloween costume of all time? (Witch)
173. What color is Santa Claus’ suit in The Night Before Christmas? (Red)
174. What is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas pudding? (A coin)
175. What is the most common New Year's resolution? (Lose weight)
176. In what country did the tradition of the Christmas tree originate? (Germany)
177. What is the Jewish holiday of lights called? (Hanukkah)
178. What fruit is used to play "bobbing for apples" at Halloween? (Apple)
179. What do people in Spain traditionally eat at midnight on New Year's Eve? (12 grapes)
180. What is the most-watched sporting event on Thanksgiving in the U.S.? (NFL football)
Riddles & Brain Teasers
181. What has hands but can’t clap? (A clock)
182. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? (Footsteps)
183. What has to be broken before you can use it? (An egg)
184. I have keys but open no locks. What am I? (A piano)
185. What runs but never walks, has a bed but never sleeps? (A river)
186. What has an endless number of letters? (A mailbox)
187. The more of me you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? (Footsteps)
188. What can travel around the world while staying in the same spot? (A stamp)
189. What can fill a room but takes up no space? (Light)
190. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (The letter 'M')
Final Challenge Questions
191. What was the first country to grant women the right to vote? (New Zealand)
192. What is the only planet that can sustain human life? (Earth)
193. Who was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes? (Marie Curie)
194. What is the oldest written language still in use? (Chinese)
195. What is the slowest-moving animal in the world? (Sloth)
196. What is the coldest place on Earth? (Antarctica)
197. Who was the first U.S. president to be impeached? (Andrew Johnson)
198. What is the national currency of Japan? (Yen)
199. What was the original name of Google? (BackRub)
200. What is the only mammal capable of true flight? (Bat)
And there you have it—200 trivia questions to test your knowledge! How many did you get right? Let us know in the comments!