271 Harry Potter True or False Questions

Attention all wizards, witches, and Muggles! It's time to put your Hogwarts knowledge to the test with our Harry Potter true or false quiz. Do you know your Hippogriffs from your Hinkypunks? Your Accio from your Avada Kedavra? Well, get ready to apparate into the wizarding world with these magical true or false questions. But beware, not everything is as it seems in the land of enchantment. So, grab your wands and let's see if you can tell fact from fiction in the world of Harry Potter!

How to Play:

Read each question and then say, “True or false?”

Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the answers. (If you have two phones or computers, this might be easier. One person handles the questions, another person does the answers.)

Whoever gets the most points is the winner.


1. There is a Japanese wizarding school.

2. Voldemort died when he was 42 years old.

3. A portrait of Gandalf is in Dumbledore's collection of great wizards in his study.

4. Voldemort's Boggart is Dumbledore.

5. George and Fred once threw snowballs at Voldemort's head.

6. If Rowling could be an Animagus, she would transform into a doe.

7. Lupin was flying with Mad Eye Moody when he died.

8. Moaning Myrtle represents the omnipresence of a girl always crying in a bathroom.

9. Readers were worried Rowling would kill Ron, but not Hermione.

10. The Harry Potter series was criticized for being bland and cliché in the later books.

11. Dumbledore understands Mermish.

12. Muggles can, in fact, make potions.

13. The driver and conductor of the Knight Bus are named after Rowling's brothers.

14. Running through the platform 9 and 3/4 wall in the movies was all digital.

15. Harry is better in three classes than Hermione.

16. The Gryffindor common room is in a tower.

17. Catching the Golden Snitch is worth 100 points.

18. Dumbledore's Boggart is Grindewald attacking him.

19. Sirius is known as the "Black Star."

20. On the first few copies of the first book, publishers credit Joanne, rather than J.K.

21. The quote, "happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" is in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

22. The veil room scene took 400 special effects to capture.

23. To prevent The Deathly Hallows from being leaked, it was given the codename Vincent Margort and the Turbulent Tales of Lamog.

24. The quote "there is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to see it" is in the Half-Blood Prince.

25. There are 100 fouls in Quidditch.

26. The actors of Harry, Ron, and Hermione never saw the Great Hall before shooting.

27. Lucius Malfoy's Patronus is a snake.

28. Alan Rickman had to wear black contact lenses while playing Snape.

29. There is a wizarding school in Massachuettes.

30. Rowling was sorted into Hufflepuff from an online test.

31. Volatulium Serum is used to exract the truth.

32. Rowling now thinks Ron and Hermione shouldn't have ended up together.

33. Hogwarts was founded 1000 years ago.

34. The fountain in Beauxbatons is said to increase age.

35. Rowling is the first author to become a billionaire through writing books.

36. The main source of transportation in South Asia is flying horse.

37. Harry and Ron got to Hogwarts in a flying car in the third year.

38. Hermione would see herself as Headmistress of Hogwarts in the Mirror of Erised.

39. The name Malfoy means "murderous."

40. The ghost of Hufflepuff is the Fat Lady.

41. Harry is based on Rowling's childhood friend, Sean Harris.

42. Voldemort put a horcrux in a tiara.

43. There is unicorn hair in Harry's wand.

44. Something was going on between Ron and Hermione in the Goblet of Fire.

45. The actress who played Harry's mom needed to have blue eyes.

46. Every creature Xenophilius Lovegood claimed was real, was real.

47. Rowling invented every single plant name for the Potions.

48. Dumbledore's brother's name is Percival.

49. Grindelwald was sentenced to 45 lifetimes in Azkaban.

50. Voldemort's wand is made of yew.

51. The Death Eaters were originally known as the Knights of Walpurgis.

52. The quote, "I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me" is in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

53. Eight well-known students died in Rowling's novels.

54. Ron's name means: A ruler's advisor and ill-tempered.

55. Grawp is Hagrid's half-brother.

56. The actress who plays Luna Lovegood wrote to Rowling as a fan before being cast.

57. Rowling uses many Latin words for her spells and mottos.

58. Rowling loves writing dialogue, especially between Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

59. Voldemort killed Harry's parents on October 21st.

60. Order of the Phoenix is the longest Harry Potter book.

61. Nymphadora Tonks in an Animagus.

62. Ron's character swore a lot in the original draft of the first book.

63. Harry Potter has green eyes in the movies.

64. Rowling created Quidditch after a big fight with her then-boyfriend.

65. After Snape died, he was added to the portraits in Dumbledore's office.

66. In the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius is sitting with 13 members and is the first to stand.

67. Hermione almost had a little sister, but Rowling felt it was "too late."

68. There was a termite issue on the set of The Chamber of Secrets.

69. Voldemort means "hate of death" in French.

70. Lucius Malfoy was quoted by Rita Skeeter stating, "I'll never be caught dead with a Muggle."

71. Sirius Black died feeling the deepest hatred towards Bellatrix.

72. A properly brewed cure for boils potion gives off black smoke.

73. In America, witches and wizards prefer Quadpot to Quidditch.

74. Emma Watson often brought her pet cat to the movie set.

75. Harry saves both Ron and Hermione in the lake of the Triwizard Tournament.

76. The Goblet of Fire was the first of the series to go on sale in the U.S. before the U.K.

77. Luna Lovegood ends up marrying Parvati Patel.

78. Dumbledore's Army trained in the Room of Requirement.

79. Dragon blood is an effective cure for dragon fire burns.

80. Students must enter Divination class through a trapdoor.

81. Roger Davies took Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball.

82. Accio is the spell used to muffle sound.

83. The quote, "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect" is in the Order of the Phoenix.

84. Neville Longbottom's toad is named Trevor.

85. The Slytherin common room is located in the dungeons.

86. Around 300 children auditioned for the role of Harry before Radcliffe was found.

87. Ginny becomes a professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts.

88. Draco's last name was almost Vipra.

89. Fleur Delacour faced the Hungarian Horntail in the Triwizard Tournament.

90. Rowling created a list of 70 characters to enter Hogwarts with Harry.

91. Lupin wasn't originally meant to die in the final battle.

92. There is a track 7 1/2 in King's Cross Station that stops in faraway European villages.

93. George Weasley marries Angelina Johnson.

94. The Half-Blood Prince invented Sectumsempra and Levicorpus.

95. Harry Potter is the Half-Blood Prince.

96. Snape's Patronus is a doe.

97. The quote, "Well, I'm sure you'll find someone somewhere who'll have you" is in the Goblet of Fire.

98. Rowling thinks Ron and Hermione will need couples counselling.

99. Fred and George Weasley hit Voldemort in the face with a snowball.

100. There are 17 Sickles in a Galleon.

101. Parvati Patel calls Ron "Won-Won."

102. Cho Chang is a Chaser for Ravenclaw.

103. Hermione developed an organization for mistreated dragons.

104. On the first printing of the first book, Philosopher is misspelled.

105. The U.K. printed more hardcover copies than the U.K.

106. Helena Bonham-Carter wore fake nails, hair and teeth to play Bellatrix Lestrange.

107. The number five is symbolic in many ways in the Wizarding World.

108. The Hufflepuff common room is in a tower.

109. Dementors are modeled after the feeling of depression.

110. Dobby is set free through Harry's dirty sock.

111. Snape bewitched a bludger in the Chamber of Secrets.

112. Hogwarts is located somewhere in Scotland.

113. The brooms used in the movie were actually regular brooms.

114. Rowling believes in the magic in her books.

115. In the movies, Ron’s expression of fear when seeing Aragog was a real reaction, not acting.

116. Dumbledore was 96 years old when Snape killed him.

117. Cho Chang married a famous wizard.

118. Hogwarts costs 20,000 galleons a year in tuition.

119. Stephen King called Umbridge the greatest make-believe villain since Hannibal Lecter.

120. Harry smells Treacle Tart from the Amortentia.

121. Voldemort put a horcrux in a cup.

122. Rowling was a Classics major in university.

123. Happy people do not become ghosts in the Wizarding World.

124. The Whomping Willow was planted to protect Lupin and keep him from other humans.

125. Hermione's name is a reflection of her parents proving how clever they are.

126. Sectumsempra is an unforgivable curse.

127. Nearly Headless Nick's last name is Loffington Au Roken.

128. Neville Longbottom ends up marrying Cho Chang.

129. Professor Flitwick's first name is Fillion.

130. Harry's name is a nod to leadership in the U.K.

131. Harry and Ginny name their daughter after Luna Lovegood.

132. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sent to school in 1977.

133. Lockhart takes over as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in Chamber of Secrets.

134. Daniel Radcliffe went through 80 pairs of glasses throughout filming.

135. The illustrator created five distinct sets of covers to choose from for the e-book art.

136. Alan Rickman knew the outcome of his character, Prof. Snape.

137. Dumbledore left Ron a Luminator in his will.

138. Dumbledore left Ron the Sword of Gryffindor.

139. Ron leaves a piece of his eyebrow behind after Apparating.

140. J.K. Rowling almost killed off Hermione.

141. Dumbledore has a scar shaped like a Phoenix on his left knee.

142. Madam Pooch teaches flying classes.

143. Malfoy says, "You sometimes have to join forces with those you'd rather avoid."

144. J.K. Rowling ended the last book with the word "scar."

145. Reading the books increased prejudices in children.

146. Rowling states her books may not have happened if not for her mother's death.

147. Hermione's last name was almost Puckle.

148. The actress who plays Moaning Myrtle was 12 years old at the time.

149. The final battle was fought in 1998, the same year the first book came out.

150. The Prisoner of Azkaban caused a 72% increase in truancy because students left school to buy it.

151. The quote, "If you were going any slower, you'd be going backward" is in the Chamber of Secrets.

152. Rowling said if she was a Hogwarts professor, she would teach Charms.

153. Rufus Scrimgeour is the Minister of Magic after Cornelius Fudge.

154. The quote "Oh, honestly, don't you two read?" is in the Philosopher's Stone.

155. Harry Potter is the second bestselling book series of all time, second to Lord of the Rings.

156. J.K. Rowling based Professor Snape's character on her father.

157. Umbridge was imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns after the Battle of Hogwarts.

158. The 'K' in J.K. stands for Katherine.

159. If Muggles stumbled upon Hogwarts, it would look like a run-down building with a "Keep Out: Dangerous" sign.

160. Rupert Grint hated seeing a kissing scene with Harry and Hermione.

161. Hermione marries Viktor Krum.

162. The quote "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends" was in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

163. Rowling wrote the first manuscript on a typewriter.

164. Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) once got a butterfly stuck in his beard.

165. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were in love.

166. Harry and J.K. Rowling share a birthday.

167. Harry and Ginny make their first son's middle name Dobby.

168. Harry and Hermione almost dated.

169. Peter Pettigrew's form of Animagus is a black dog.

170. The last Harry Potter book was almost "Harry Potter and the Peverell Quest."

171. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were meant to be nerdy and unattractive.

172. "Morsmorde", as said be the Death Eaters, means "more death".

173. James and Lily Potter are soulmates.

174. The quote "I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I'm not there" is in the Philosopher's Stone.

175. For his audition, Rupert Grint sent in a rap video of why he should play Ron.

176. Voldemort put a horcrux in a bracelet.

177. Neville's last name was almost Puff.

178. Books printed in different languages have different cover art.

179. Hermione Granger destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk fang.

180. Rowling used J.K. so that readers wouldn't know she was female.

181. Lily Evans said, "I can’t pretend anymore. You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine."

182. Dean Thomas' father never abandoned him, but was a wizard who died defying Voldemort.

183. Armando Dippet was the Headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets opened for the first time.

184. The Patil twins were almost named Madhari and Mati.

185. The 'T' at the end of Voldemort is silent.

186. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have chocolate frog dedication cards.

187. The characters used foamed apple juice for butter beer on set.

188. "Expecto Patronum" translates to "Bring Me Happiness."

189. The quote, "What do I care how 'e looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk" is in the Half-Blood Prince.

190. Rowling had to change part of a movie script where Dumbledore talks lovingly about a woman, because he's gay.

191. There are 142 staircases in Hogwarts.

192. Neville Longbottom killed Nagini.

193. Hagrid owned a Swedish Ridgeback dragon.

194. Petunia was almost named Pansy.

195. George Weasley found happiness in celebrating his brother's memory with his joke store.

196. Hermione's parents are both veterinarians.

197. The color red is associated with negative events in Harry's life.

198. Rowling wrote the Hogwart’s House names on a beer label for the first time.

199. Hermione's middle name is Jean.

200. The Ravenclaw common room is in the basement.

201. Dumbledore left Harry the Resurrection Stone in his will.

202. The Deathly Hallows are the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak.

203. Hermione's Patronus is a horse.

204. Dumbledore defeated Gindelwald to get the Elder Wand.

205. Dumbledore left Hermione The Magical Tales of Dragonstone in his will.

206. Arthur Weasley was supposed to die in the Order of the Phoenix.

207. Tom Riddle's middle name is Marvolo.

208. In 2007, Rowling was Time Magazine's Person of the Year.

209. Hagrid stayed alive throughout the books to carry Harry's body out of the forest in the Deathly Hallows.

210. Rowling thought of Harry Potter during a four-hour train delay.

211. The quote "I'll join you when Hell freezes over" is in the Deathly Hallows.

212. Religious groups have burned Harry Potter books over perceived evil.

213. Bulgaria and England were facing each other when Harry saw the Quidditch Cup.

214. Rowling predicted many young girls would swoon over bad-boy Draco.

215. Hermione says, "Where's the fun without a bit of risk?"

216. The name Hogwarts was found from a plant in New York City.

217. Hermione's cat was played by nine Neapolitan Mastiffs.

218. J.K. Rowling wrote in a scene explaining how to pronounce Hermione's name due to confusion.

219. Umbridge is a distant relative of Voldemort.

220. Daniel Radcliffe didn't write an essay about his character as requested by the Prisoner of Azkaban director.

221. Harry says, "Of course it would be difficult. And dangerous, very dangerous."

222. The actor who played Draco first read for the parts of Harry and Ron.

223. The quote, "Play to your strengths" is in the Goblet of Fire.

224. The least successful movie was the Chamber of Secrets.

225. Luna Lovegood's father worked for the Department of Mysteries.

226. The quote "Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth" is in the Half-Blood Prince.

227. Luna Lovegood's Patronus is a hare.

228. Sirius' tattoos were inspired by South American drug cartel gangs.

229. If Rowling could take Polyjuice for an hour, she would become Beyoncé.

230. Hermione used a Time-Turner to take extra classes.

231. Fred and George's joke shop Weasley's Wizard Wheezes became very succesful.

232. In the movies, all the staircases in Hogwarts were real and moving.

233. Voldemort views death as the greatest weakness.

234. Luna's last name was almost Linessa.

235. Hufflepuff is the only common room with a physical defense mechanism.

236. The quote, "Quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime" is in the Order of the Phoenix.

237. Ron sees Hermione in his arms in the Mirror of Erised.

238. J.K. Rowling modeled Hermione after herself.

239. Mrs. Weasley gave Harry and Ginny their family clock.

240. Professor McGonagall has square-shaped glasses.

241. A Phoenix's tears have magical powers.

242. "Bellatrix" means "filled with tricks."

243. Radcliffe and Grint played a lot of rugby during their downtime on the movie set.

244. Harry's scar was painted on 5,800 times.

245. Umbridge's office is pink.

246. Both Rupert Grint and Danielle Radcliffe had a crush on Emma Watson in the earlier films.

247. Dolores Umbridge was almost named Matilda.

248. There were over 50,000 handmade books used as props.

249. "Avada Kedavra" means to "vanish into the dust."

250. Harry was always filmed waist-up in the Yule Ball dance scene.

251. Kingsley Shacklebolt's Patronus is a lynx.

252. Hermione's birthday is September 19th.

253. The Elder Wand is made of dried unicorn blood.

254. The Maraudor's Map is the only way to track Hogwarts students.

255. Rowling doesn't have a good reason for killing off Hedgwig.

256. The American version of the Philosopher's Stone was almost Harry Potter and the School of Magic.

257. Tom Felton (Draco) had to get a personal trainer to keep him fit on Prisoner of Azkaban.

258. There are seven Weasley children.

259. Lily Evans grew up in Cokeworth.

260. Cher asked J.K. Rowling to produce a Harry Potter musical with her.

261. Fred Weasley was the hardest person for Rowling to kill.

262. Harry becomes the head of the Auror Department.

263. The Hogwarts school motto means, "Courage can arise from anyone."

264. Professor McGonagall hated playing Quidditch.

265. Richard Gere played Voldemort in the movies.

266. Wizards can survive a scorpion's sting that would kill a human.

267. Fred and George were born on August 6th.

268. The quote, "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am" is in the Deathly Hallows.

269. Neville becomes a Professor of Herbology.

270. Helena Bonham-Carter kept her fake teeth.

271. The cure for the effects of a Dementor is cotton candy.


1. True, it is called Mahoutokoro.

2. False, he died when he was 71.

3. True, the Lord of the Rings star made a cameo.

4. False, it is his own corpse.

5. True, it was when he was hiding under Quirrell's turban.

6. False, she would transform into an otter.

7. False, it was Mundungus Fletcher.

8. True, and Rowling put Harry and Ron in the bathroom to make them extra uncomfortable.

9. True, readers thought Hermione was clever enough to get out of anything.

10. True, everyone has haters.

11. True, as well as Parseltongue and Gobbledegook.

12. False, they need magic to make potions.

13. False, Stanley and Ernie are her grandfathers.

14. False, they used fiber optic lighting.

15. False, he is only better in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

16. True.

17. False, it is worth 150 points.

18. False, it is the corpse of his sister, Ariana.

19. False, he is known as the "Dog Star."

20. True.

21. True, by Albus Dumbledore.

22. False, it took 950, a record for special effects in a scene.

23. False, it was given codenames such as "Edinburgh Potmakers."

24. False, it is in the Philosopher’s Stone by Prof. Quirrell.

25. False, there are over 700 fouls in Quidditch.

26. True, their shock was real.

27. False, Snape is the only Death Eater that can produce a Patronus.

28. True, to give him that endless stare.

29. True, it is called Ilvermorney.

30. True.

31. False, that is Veritaserum.

32. True, it was how she wanted it, but not what was best for the story.

33. True, by its four house founders.

34. False, it is said to have healing and beautifying powers.

35. True.

36. False, it is flying carpet.

37. False, this was in second year.

38. False, she would see her, Ron and Harry safe, Voldemort gone, and in a romantic embrace.

39. False, it means "evil beliefs."

40. False, it is the Fat Friar.

41. False, Ron is based on Sean Harris.

42. True, in the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw.

43. False, it is Phoenix feather.

44. True, but Ron, a typical boy, didn't realize it yet.

45. True, while they both have green eyes in the books, she needed to have blue eyes since Radcliffe couldn’t wear contacts.

46. False, Luna eventually accepted some may have been made-up.

47. False, she would collect witchy-sounding plant names from botany books.

48. False, Percival is his father.

49. False, he was confined to Nurmengard.

50. True, yew is said to have many supernatural powers.

51. True.

52. True, by Harry Potter.

53. False, four well-known students died.

54. True, which suits his character.

55. True, he is also a giant.

56. True, Evanna Lynch was a big fan.

57. True, she admired Latin.

58. True.

59. False, it was October 31st.

60. True, it spends the most time away from Hogwarts.

61. False, she is a Metamorphmagus (she is born with the ability to change, doesn't have to learn)

62. True, but the publisher wouldn’t allow it for young readers.

63. False, Daniel Radcliffe didn't react well to artificial lenses so they were blue.

64. True, she went to a pub and wrote.

65. True, not at first, but Harry insisted.

66. True, this is a foreshadowing of his death.

67. True.

68. False, there was a lice outbreak among the cast.

69. False, it means "flight of death."

70. False, Lucius used to hang in high-born muggle circles.

71. False, he died laughing.

72. False, it gives off pink smoke.

73. True, Quidditch is more popular in Europe but Quadpot is preferred in America.

74. False, she brought her pet hamster, Millie.

75. False, he saves Ron and Gabrielle.

76. False, they went on sale in both places the same day.

77. False, Luna ends up marrying Rolf Scamander, Newt's grandson.

78. True.

79. False, it is an effective oven cleaner.

80. True.

81. True, Bill wasn't around yet.

82. False, Accio is used to summon items.

83. True, by Luna Lovegood.

84. True, Trevor the Toad.

85. True.

86. True.

87. False, Ginny becomes a professional Quidditch player.

88. False, it was almost Spinks.

89. False, that was Harry.

90. False, it was 40.

91. True, but Rowling had to bring back the theme of an orphaned child in war.

92. True.

93. True.

94. True, Snape invented these.

95. False, it is Severus Snape.

96. True, "always."

97. True, by Hermione Granger.

98. True, their bickering is resounding in the books.

99. True, they threw them at Quirrell’s turban when Voldemort was underneath.

100. True.

101. False, this was Lavender Brown.

102. False, she is a Seeker.

103. False, it was for house elves.

104. True.

105. False, the U.S. printed more hardcover copies.

106. True.

107. False, the number seven is symbolic in many ways (seven books, seven years at school, seven Quidditch players.)

108. False, it is in the basement.

109. True, Rowling modeled them after how she felt after her mother's death.

110. True, receiving this sock set him free.

111. False, it was Dobby.

112. True, it has Charms to keep Muggle eyes from seeing it.

113. False, they were specifically designed to be thin and durable.

114. False, Rowling believes the magic in her books is fictional.

115. True, Rupert Grint has arachnophobia.

116. False, he was 115 years old.

117. False, she married a muggle.

118. False, the Ministry of Magic covers all tuition fees.

119. True, he stated this in a hand-written review.

120. True, it smells different to everyone.

121. True, in Helga Hufflepuff's Cup.

122. False, she was a Classics minor and a French major.

123. True.

124. True, it protects him and others during a full moon.

125. True, they wanted something hard to pronounce.

126. False, it causes bloody gashes but isn't unforgivable.

127. False, it is De Mimsy Porpington.

128. False, Neville ends up marrying Hannah Abbott.

129. False, it is Filius.

130. True, many kings were named Henry.

131. True, their daughter's name is Lily Luna Potter.

132. False, they were sent to school in 1991.

133. True.

134. False, he went through 160 pairs.

135. True, Olly Moss went above and beyond.

136. True, he was the only actor who knew.

137. False, he left Ron a Deluminator.

138. False, he left the Sword of Gryffindor to Harry.

139. True.

140. False, Rowling almost killed off Ron.

141. False, it is of the London Underground Map.

142. False, it is Madam Hooch.

143. False, this was Mr. Weasley in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

144. False, she always pictured it that way, but went with "all was well."

145. False, studies show they decreased prejudices.

146. True, she states, "The books are what they are because she died… Because I loved her and she died."

147. True.

148. False, she was 37 and is the oldest actress to play a Hogwarts student.

149. True, Rowling says, "I open at the close."

150. False, the publisher asked stores to sell the book after school was over to prevent truancy.

151. True, by Draco Malfoy.

152. True.

153. True.

154. True, asked by Hermione Granger.

155. False, Harry Potter is number one.

156. False, he is based on her old chemistry teacher.

157. True.

158. False, it stands for Kathleen.

159. True.

160. False, he couldn't stop laughing.

161. False, Hermione marries Ron Weasley.

162. False, it is in the Philosopher's Stone by Albus Dumbledore.

163. True, she had to retype an entire page to change one sentence.

164. False, it was a fruit bat.

165. True.

166. True.

167. False, their first son's middle name is Severus.

168. False, it was always Ron and Hermione.

169. False, it is a rat Ron called Scabbers.

170. True, but Rowling thought it was too corny.

171. True, but the actors were ready to change that.

172. False, it means "take a bite out of death."

173. True, because their Patronuses are a representation of their souls, and theirs are a stag and doe.

174. False, it is in the Chamber of Secrets, by Harry Potter.

175. True, it worked.

176. False.

177. True.

178. True.

179. False, Harry destroyed the diary.

180. True.

181. True, in the Deathly Hallows.

182. True.

183. True.

184. True.

185. True, it is French, but Rowling still pronounces it with a 'T' sometimes.

186. True.

187. True, most were underage.

188. False, it translates to "I Await a Guardian."

189. True, by Fleur Delacour.

190. True, she had to write in the margins.

191. True.

192. True, with the Sword of Gryffindor.

193. False, it was a Norgwegian Ridgeback.

194. False.

195. False, George could never produce a Patronus again.

196. False, they are both dentists.

197. False, the color green symbolizes negative events, while red is positive.

198. False, it was on an airplane barf bag.

199. True, it was going to be Jane, but that is Umbridge's.

200. False, it is in a tower.

201. True, to defeat Lord Voldemort.

202. True, supposed to render the owner of all three invincible.

203. False, Hermione's Patronus is an otter.

204. True.

205. False, he left Hermione The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

206. True, this was replaced by Tonks and Lupin's death in the Deathly Hallows.

207. True, to complete Voldemort's full name.

208. False, she was the runner up.

209. True, Rowling had a vision of this which kept him alive throughout the books.

210. True, it just popped into her head.

211. True, by Neville Longbottom.

212. True, burning books is a radical statement from the Middle Ages.

213. False, it was Bulgaria and Ireland.

214. False, she finds their undying love disturbing.

215. False, Fred Weasley says this in the Goblet of Fire.

216. True, Rowling saw a hogwort plant.

217. True, Crookshanks had many forms.

218. True, many readers pronounced it differently.

219. False.

220. False, Rupert Grint didn't write an essay, Radcliffe wrote one page and Watson wrote 15.

221. False, Hermione Granger says this in the Chamber of Secrets.

222. True, but was ultimately cast as Malfoy.

223. True, by Alastor Moody.

224. False, it was Prisoner of Azkaban.

225. False, he works for the Quibbler.

226. True, by Albus Dumbledore.

227. True.

228. False, they were from Russian prison gangs.

229. False, she would become Prime Minister Tony Blair.

230. True, it was the only way she could take so many.

231. True, Ron quit his job to help manage it.

232. False, one was real and moving and was digitally multiplied.

233. True, it is his greatest fear.

234. False, it was almost Moon.

235. True, if you touch the wrong barrel you're doused in vinegar.

236. False, it is in the Deathly Hallows by Harry Potter.

237. False, he sees the Quidditch Cup.

238. True.

239. False, Mr. Weasley fixed Sirius' bike and gave it to Harry.

240. True.

241. True.

242. False, it means "combative."

243. False, they weren't allowed to play contact sports. Instead they hung out at the driving range and played golf.

244. True.

245. True.

246. True, how could you not.

247. False, she was almost named Elvira.

248. False, there were 12,000.

249. False, it means to "disappear like this word."

250. True, he only had four days to practice.

251. True.

252. True.

253. False, it is made with a Thestral hair.

254. False, magical students are tracked by a magic quill at Hogwarts.

255. False, she did it to take away innocence and security.

256. True, Rowling shot this down and suggested Sorcerer's Stone.

257. False, they had to sew his pockets shut to stop him from sneaking food on set.

258. True.

259. True.

260. False, Michael Jackson did, to which she rejected.

261. True, separating the twins was very difficult.

262. True.

263. False, it means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon."

264. False, she was a talented player.

265. False, it was Richard Bremmer.

266. True, wizards can survive natural causes of death for Muggles.

267. False, Fred and George were born on April 1st.

268. False, it is in the Order of the Phoenix.

269. True, he's always liked plants.

270. True, she brings them out when she misses Bellatrix.

271. False, it is chocolate.


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