300 Relationship Questions - Conversation Starters for Couples, First Dates, and Parties

How to use this article:

1. Pick a question at random and ask your partner.

2. Have fun with the answers. (Not everything has to be serious.)

3. Live happily ever after.

1. What is your third favorite dinosaur?

2. What goals do you tell people you’ve set for yourself this year?

3. What are the actual goals you’ve set?

4. If you could throw a pie in someone’s face, who, what, when, where, and why?

5. Is your morning personality closer to Mary Poppins or Godzilla?

6. What class did you skip the most?

7. Which one of your professors did/do you have a secret crush on? And is it okay if I terminate them?

8. You have 30 seconds to impress an alien, or he eats us. What do you do?

9. What do you know basically nothing about, but wish you were an expert whenever the subject comes up?

10. What were you the champion of when you were little?

11. What would you do if your favorite TV show was cancelled?

12. Ever show up late for something and it was actually a big deal?

13. If someone was going to buy you a gift because it was Wednesday, what would make you happiest?

14. What’s your opinion on hospital food?

15. What magic item would you bring to slay a dragon?

16. What is a book you’d be okay if they banned or burned?

17. Do believe in anything supernatural?

18. Does your family have a history of cancer or other diseases that would threaten the survival of my offspring?

19. Would you rather have a hard conversation over text or in person?

20. What major news event do you remember most from your childhood?

21. What are three things you’re afraid of but never admitted before?

22. What is your dream job?

23. What exactly is stopping you from perusing it?

24. What is your opinion on CURRENT POLITICIAN WHO SAID A STUPID?

25. Where in the movie theater do you like to sit and why?

26. What was your favorite drinking game to play before you met me?

27. Have you ever gone streaking?

28. If we were lost in the woods how would you get us to safety?

29. How many bears do you think you could take?

30. If you could save one species from extinction at the cost of the last elephant, what species would it be?

31. What is your favorite food to eat during a TV/movie marathon?

32. Did you hang out with the cool kids in high school, or the nerds?

33. How soon is too soon to say “I love you,” in a relationship?

34. Why do you think you’d make a good parent for my offspring?

35. If our kid was being bullied at school, how would you obliterate the other child?

36. Ever used a barf bag on air plane?

37. If the family pet died, what song would you sing at the funeral?

38. Why do your jeans look like you bought them at a store for feral cats?

39. How was your relationship with your father/mother and why am I more awesome than they ever were?

40. Who would you want to cater your next wedding?

41. How far does $1,000,000 go in your ideal retirement?

42. Would you rather save 5 people with 10 years left to live, or 1 person with 50 years left to live?

43. Who really built the pyramids?

44. What species was your imaginary friend and you still talk to them?

45. Did your parents ever tell stories about dropping on you on your head?

46. What is the only appropriate name for a three-headed guard dog?

47. Aside from annoy me, what do you do when you can’t sleep?

48. What is the first thing you would teach a parrot to say?

49. Would you be interested in colonizing another planet if it meant never returning to Earth?

50. How many cloves of garlic should go into a meal for two people?

51. If you could wipe out a city with an F5 tornado, which city and why are you such a monster?

52. What’s your opinion on Christmas music and 8 billion variations of each song?

53. Are Bert and Ernie just friends or is there something more going on there?

54. Why Venus hotter than Mercury?

55. What’s your opinion on lab-grown meat and the A&W plant burger?

56. What would be the most romantic thing to burn to the ground?

57. What would you order in a biker bar if you didn’t drink alcohol but still wanted to look cool?

58. What TV show did you binge watch as a kid, and how did it end?

59. If that thing over there burst into flames, how would you handle it?

60. What is the best canvas for drawing something? Paper? Snow?

61. What is a weird reason you would break up with someone?

62. What’s a secret talent you would be embarrassed to show off in front of my family?

63. How many exes are you still friends with on Facebook and what are their names?

64. What celebrity death hit you the hardest in the last year?

65. Did you watch the Royal Wedding?

66. Are you monster?

67. What’s your favorite solution to the Fermi paradox?

68. What do you think happens when we die with unfinished business?

69. What’s an annoying thing that makes you want to burn down the entire city?

70. Have you ever thought about starting a business?

71. What do you find it difficult to share with people?

72. You’re invited to a stranger’s party and told to bring a snack. What do you bring?

73. What is your favorite memory of your mother?

74. Why was your dad such a jerk?

75. Aside from alcoholism and drug abuse, how do you deal with problems beyond your control?

76. How early in a relationship should we meet each other’s family?

77. What is an inappropriate moment to first say, “I love you”?

78. If I had slept with way more people than you have, would you want to know about it?

79. Where do you want to travel next?

80. If I got fat would you lie and say you loved me for me, or hide the junk food and buy a treadmill?

81. Are you the person who is usually late, or the person complaining that other people are always late?

82. How would you react if a tornado destroyed the only Starbucks in town?

83. Who is the only person who can prevent forest fires?

84. What is an appropriate age for children to start smoking cigarettes?

85. How long do you usually spend in the mall when you go shopping?

86. You can banish three people to the Phantom Zone. Who do you banish?

87. How important is proper spelling and grammar?

88. How many languages do you speak, and how many should our kids learn?

89. What thing were you hilariously bad at when you were a kid?

90. What is something everyone should know?

91. What’s a weird topping you like on pizza?

92. What is a relationship-ending topping to put on a pizza?

93. What’s a catchy song you’re into right now? Hum a few bars.

94. If you were a billionaire but had to work a full-time minimum wage job, where would you work?

95. What percentage should you tip a server that forgets to fill up the water?

96. What do you eat when you’re sick?

97. What’s your favorite ethnic food and why aren’t we eating it for dinner?

98. How do you deal with a kid that won’t stop listening to Disney music?

99. If someone stood you up on a date, what would be your next move?

100. How would you feel about me quitting my job and becoming a full-time artist?

101. What’s the best way to poison the king and assume the throne?

102. Which one of your exes would you FedEx into the Sun, and why?

103. What’s the best way of dealing with someone who doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about?

104. What are some of your goofy but fun family traditions?

105. What was one of your mom’s favorite sayings?

106. What’s a movie everyone should be forced to watch once a year?

107. What do you eat when you’re hungover or drunk at 2am?

108. Which band has the best live shows and when are we going to one?

109. What do most people think is true but is actually baloney?

110. What’s a tiny thing people do that right away you know they’re a jerk?

111. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? What was the occasion?

112. How many kids do you think we’ll need to start our empire?

113. How do you entertain yourself when the power goes out?

114. What’s a tiny thing people can do to make themselves more attractive?

115. What book would you like to read next?

116. Do you believe in soul mates, and how do you feel about sleeping on the couch tonight?

117. What is something your parents did but you’ll never do to the kids?

118. How important is goofing off Saturday morning and watching cartoons?

119. What type of seafood is gross?

120. Which celebrity would you invite to a murder mystery party?

121. If you could fight any dead person, who would it be?

122. Which common household chore do you love doing?

123. What was the best choice you ever made in your life?

124. What are some YouTube channels I should subscribe to?

125. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?

126. What is the worst job you could have as an adult?

127. What’s a cool website I’ve probably never seen before?

128. Would you become a vegan if the food was better?

129. What is the most awesome thing in your life right now? (Besides me.)

130. Would you use your last wish to free the genie or save the princess? (You promised to save the genie.)

131. If you could live in a fantasy world, which one would you pick?

132. What is your grossest childhood memory?

133. What did you like best about high school?

134. What is something cheap that makes you look rich?

135. If you could travel back in time to fix a single mistake in your life, what would it be?

136. What’s your favorite life hack?

137. Why am I dating someone who doesn’t have a favorite life hack?

138. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen happen at a family event?

139. What’s your poison? (Favorite drink to order at a bar.)

140. What’s your favorite “Why did the chicken cross the road joke?”

141. What is something huge you’d give up to stop aging?

142. If you found a suitcase full of money, how would you spend it to avoid raising suspicion?

143. What charities do you support?

144. What is the coolest fact you know?

145. What is the worst app/website that everyone uses because of social pressure?

146. How would you quit your job if you won the lottery?

147. What popular trend do you think is weird or creepy?

148. What’s a simple thing I can do that will improve my life?

149. What is the best way to embarrass someone under 12?

150. Who is your favorite TV character?

151. What restaurant do you like to stop at while on a road trip?

152. What is the dumbest law?

153. What product is amazing but almost nobody is aware of?

154. Growing up, what did you think was normal but actually wasn’t?

155. What’s something only the employees at your job know that people would find horrifying?

156. What is the best way to get revenge on someone?

157. What food would you actually love a lifetime supply of?

158. Which comic book hero could you see yourself as?

159. How important is fitness to you, and when are you getting your fat ass to the gym?

160. What animal will nobody miss when it goes extinct?

161. How do you kill time waiting in the doctor’s office?

162. What is the coolest thing about your hometown?

163. What was your most memorable Halloween costume?

164. What’s normal today but will sound crazy in a hundred years?

165. What is the most useful thing you spent significant time learning?

166. What should we have invented by now but still haven’t?

167. What is the most useful kitchen gadget?

168. Would you rather live in the city or the suburbs?

169. What is the best public freakout you’ve ever witnessed?

170. What should be a crime but isn’t?

171. If you could resurrect one extinct species, which one would it be?

172. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever sustained?

173. What is something a stranger says that makes you think they’re crazy?

174. Where’s somewhere you would vacation for one week, but not two weeks?

175. What would you bring on a picnic?

176. What type of music is the best to dance to?

177. What would you bring to an office potluck if you hated your coworkers?

178. Do you have any unfinished business that would turn you into a ghost when you died?

179. If you had to name your next kid after a celebrity, who would it be?

180. What song is stuck in your head right now?

181. Who doesn’t get paid enough?

182. Who gets paid too much?

183. How should society rectify these horrible pay imbalances?

184. What type of car makes you think the owner is a jerk?

185. What’s the least expensive, but most fun date you’ve ever been on?

186. What’s an easy self-improvement trick to make me into a better person?

187. What is something everyone should be forced to learn in high school but isn’t taught?

188. What is, hands down, the best type of taco?

189. If my dad looked at your criminal record, what would he find?

190. What’s not as bad as everybody says it is?

191. What’s the craziest excuse you’ve ever heard someone use to get out of something?

192. How did you know your friend was going to break up with their significant other?

193. What was the dumbest thing you believed until you were in high school?

194. What’s a rule everybody breaks but nobody cares? (Or should care.)

195. Who should be fired right away?

196. What is something important that most people aren’t aware of?

197. What wouldn’t we need if some people weren’t jerks?

198. What do you think is the best way to get people to eat healthy?

199. What’s an ordinary thing today that would terrify someone from the 1800s?

200. What insanely popular movie did you secretly hate?

201. What grosses you out but you still have to do because of peer pressure?

202. What’s something small you bought that made you super happy?

203. What animal would you like to reincarnate as?

204. Have you ever stolen anything from a restaurant or hotel?

205. What is one of your stranger habits I’ll just have to get used to?

206. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

207. What is, hands down, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?

208. What’s something crazy you got away with as a kid, but would be horrified if your own child did?

209. Would you rather get married on another continent, or another planet?

210. Would you prefer to vacation in the summer or winter months?

211. When relaxing at night, would you prefer a book, TV show, or movie?

212. Is your family more into hugging or shaking hands?

213. Would you rather learn to paint or learn to sculpt?

214. What sport is more fun to watch than it is to play?

215. What’s your favorite restaurant to visit for special occasions?

216. Which season is the best for relaxing and doing nothing?

217. What fictional villain do you think had some good ideas, and in the end was just misunderstood?

218. What do you put on your hamburger? Hotdog?

219. What side do you order when you get a steak at a restaurant?

220. Would you fight a kangaroo for me? (If no, yell out “WHY NOT?”)

221. Steam, microwave, or raw? How do you prepare your vegetables?

222. How will you entertain yourself in retirement while I’m on the beach?

223. What’s a small change I can make to get in better shape?

224. What career did you want as a kid, but then later changed your mind?

225. What is your recurring nightmare?

226. Are you more of a grudge-holder, or someone who forgives and forgets?

227. Would you go scuba or cave diving? How about with sharks?

228. How much faith do you put in horoscopes?

229. Do you prefer silence or music when in the shower?

230. What age did you learn that Santa Claus wasn’t real?

231. What’s your go to dance move when you hit the floor?

232. How often do you fully clean your house?

233. Would you prefer to live in a green area, or a concrete jungle?

234. What is the most terrifying animal?

235. What would you do if our kid’s cat ran away?

236. What track and field event were you best at in middle school?

237. Did you ever cheat on a major exam?

238. If your vision went, would you get glasses or laser eye surgery?

239. What’s the most serious thing you’ve ever been in the hospital for?

240. Would you rather be stuck on a remote island with a dentist or a carpenter?

241. What’s the best way to get rid of mice you find inside the house?

242. Would you prefer a small apartment with a great view, or a big apartment with no view?

243. Who is your favorite overweight celebrity?

244. What is fine to say at parties, but crazy to say on the bus?

245. What type of car would you drive if money was no object?

246. How would you deal with someone who stood you up?

247. How likely are you to forgive someone who betrays your trust?

248. What do you think of multivitamins?

249. What’s the healthiest meal you ate last week?

250. Would you rather a vegetable garden or berry bushes in the backyard?

251. Are you more of a cat or dog person? Choose carefully.

252. Do you put milk in your cup before or after the tea/coffee?

253. What’s your favorite desert to serve a large group of people?

254. What’s your favorite board game?

255. When’s the last time you played “The Floor is Made of Lava?”

256. If you found a cool fossil, would you keep it, or donate it to a museum?

257. When’s the last time you went to the art gallery, and what did you see?

258. Do you prefer bowling or getting drunk and watching other people bowl?

259. When’s the last time you bought flowers and for what occasion?

260. What is the most inappropriate thing to say at a funeral?

261. What’s up with Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster?

262. Are you more a straight whisky person, or a cocktail person?

263. What type of restaurant would you open?

264. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen happen to someone that was actually terrible?

265. Should public transportation be free? Why or why not?

266. What would you eat first if you had been in jail for a year?

267. What would you do if the law didn’t apply to you for an entire day?

268. What’s something you said no to, but later regretted not doing?

269. Would you rather go bungee jumping or sky diving?

270. Would you prefer a backyard skating rink, or a cool tree fort?

271. What sport prepares children most for life?

272. Would you talk to my plants if I left you to take care of them?

273. What sort of garden would you want in the backyard?

274. What’s in your man cave? (Or woman cave.)

275. Would you prefer a bigger TV, or a better sound system?

276. What so you think about smart home devices?

277. Where’s the best place to eat around here?

278. Are you more of a fashion sneaker or hiking boot type of person?

279. Do you care about fashion, or just buy whatever fits and is on sale?

280. What’s your favorite song to slow dance to?

281. Would you rather rent a cottage to go skiing or swimming?

282. What’s your favorite outdoors activity?

283. What would you like to accomplish within the next six months?

284. What’s something you’ve never given up on?

285. Which cartoon or kid’s show character do you relate to the most?

286. What’s your opinion on using emojis to communicate?

287. Would you rather read a paperback or an ebook?

288. When’s the last time you visited the public library?

289. What would you want people to bring you if you were in the hospital?

290. What are some magazines you enjoy reading?

291. Which phone/tablet apps do you use the most?

292. Would you rather be the stay-at-home mom/day, or the office drone?

293. How would you occupy your time if you won the lottery?

294. Where’s the last place you did some volunteer work? Doing any now?

295. What do you like best about my personality?

296. What’s something everyone eats or drinks that you absolutely hate?

297. What do you think the coolest vacation would be?

298. Do think we should concentrate on saving the environment, or colonizing other planets?

299. How would you describe me to your parents?

300. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?


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