How to Get the Gross Smell Out of a Plastic Cutting Board

A Comprehensive Guide for a Fresher Kitchen

Have you ever chopped onions on your plastic cutting board, only to find that the next day, it smells like a mix of garlic, fish, and a hint of something unidentifiable? You're not alone. Plastic cutting boards are kitchen staples, but they're notorious for holding onto odors. Fortunately, banishing these smells isn't as hard as it seems. This guide will walk you through why your cutting board smells bad and how you can get it smelling fresh again.

Understanding the Culprit: Why Plastic Cutting Boards Smell

Plastic cutting boards are popular for their durability and ease of cleaning. However, they have a porous surface, which means they can absorb food particles and bacteria – the primary culprits behind those unpleasant odors. Foods like garlic, onions, and fish are often the worst offenders. Understanding this is the first step in tackling the problem.

Preventive Measures: Keeping Odors at Bay

Prevention is better than cure. To prevent odors, rinse your cutting board with hot water immediately after use. Avoid letting it sit with food residue, as this can contribute to smells. Regularly washing your board with a mixture of dish soap and water is also crucial. For storage, ensure your cutting board is completely dry to prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

Odor Removal Techniques: Freshening Up Your Board

If your cutting board is already smelly, don't worry. There are several simple, yet effective ways to remove these odors:

  1. Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Apply this solution to the cutting board and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and can neutralize many strong smells.

  2. Baking Soda Paste: Make a paste using baking soda and water. Spread this on the smelly areas and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors.

  3. Lemon Rub: Cut a lemon in half and rub it over the surface of the cutting board. Lemon not only helps in removing odors but also leaves a fresh scent behind.

Each of these methods is safe and uses ingredients commonly found in the kitchen, making them easily accessible odor-fighting solutions.

The Deep Clean: Tackling Stubborn Smells

For stubborn smells, a deeper clean might be necessary. Create a thick paste using baking soda and a small amount of water. Apply this paste generously over the board and leave it overnight. In the morning, scrape off the paste and rinse the board thoroughly. This method allows the baking soda to absorb deep-set odors thoroughly.

When to Say Goodbye: Replacing Your Cutting Board

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a cutting board may be beyond saving. If deep cleaning doesn't remove the smells, or if the board shows significant signs of wear and tear (like deep cuts or warping), it's time to replace it. Remember to recycle your old cutting board if possible.

Keeping It Fresh: Maintaining a Hygienic Cutting Space

Maintaining your cutting board is key to preventing future odors. Regularly deep clean your board, especially after using it with strongly-scented foods. Also, consider using separate boards for produce, meats, and strong-smelling foods to prevent cross-contamination and lingering odors.

Final Slice: Keeping Your Kitchen Smelling Fresh

By understanding the causes of odors and how to effectively remove them, you can keep your plastic cutting board – and your kitchen – smelling fresh. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and occasional deep cleans will help prolong the life of your cutting board and make your cooking experience more enjoyable.


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