How to Make the Best Use of Wildcards in MTG Arena

Navigating the multiverse of MTG Arena brings its share of challenges, not least of which is the strategic management of one of the game's most precious resources: Wildcards. Whether you're a newcomer to the Arena or a seasoned veteran, understanding how to make the most of your Wildcards can dramatically enhance your deck-building capabilities and overall gameplay experience.

Wildcards in MTG Arena come in four rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Mythic Rare, mirroring the cards they can be exchanged for. The question is, how do you use these valuable assets wisely to build competitive decks without wasting them? Let's dive into some strategies that can help.

1. Understand Your Play Style and Goals

Before you start converting Wildcards willy-nilly, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your play style and what you aim to achieve in the game. Are you looking to climb the competitive ladder as quickly as possible? Or are you more interested in experimenting with different decks and play styles? Your approach to using Wildcards should align with your overall goals.

2. Invest in Versatile and Format-Staple Cards First

  • Versatile Cards: These are cards that fit into multiple decks across various archetypes. Investing in versatile cards means you'll have a solid foundation for several decks, maximizing the value of your Wildcards.

  • Format Staples: Certain cards are staples in specific formats, such as Standard or Historic. These cards are likely to remain relevant and competitive for a long time, making them safe investments for your Wildcards.

3. Be Strategic About Crafting Decks

  • Start with a Core Deck: Instead of spreading your Wildcards across multiple decks, focus on building a strong core deck first. This allows you to become competitive in one format, which can help you earn more rewards and, consequently, more Wildcards.

  • Research Before You Craft: Utilize resources like MTG Arena deck-building websites, forums, and streamer content to find highly-rated and competitive decks. This research can help ensure that you're investing in a deck with proven performance.

4. Managing Your Wildcard Economy

  • Patience is Key: Try to resist the urge to immediately spend Wildcards as you get them. The meta can shift, especially after new set releases or bans. Waiting can help you make more informed decisions and avoid wasting Wildcards on soon-to-be outdated cards.

  • Rare and Mythic Rare Wildcards: These are the most valuable and the hardest to come by. Use these sparingly, primarily on cards that are crucial for your core deck or have high versatility across multiple decks.

5. Diversify Over Time

Once you have a solid core deck or two, you can start to diversify your deck collection more safely. This doesn't mean going wild with your Wildcards but gradually expanding your repertoire as you accumulate more resources and have a clearer understanding of the meta and your preferences.

6. Participate in Drafts

  • Expanding Your Collection: Participating in drafts can be a great way to expand your collection without spending Wildcards. This method can also help you familiarize yourself with new cards and mechanics, making it easier to decide which cards might be worth your Wildcards later on.

7. Waiting for the Meta to Settle

  • Post-New Set Releases: Whenever a new set is released, the MTG Arena meta undergoes significant changes. Early in the release cycle, it's tempting to craft the newest, flashiest cards. However, the true power and utility of these cards in the meta can take weeks to fully emerge. By waiting for the meta to settle, you can make more informed decisions about which cards are worth your Wildcards. This patience can save you from investing in cards that might not fit into the meta as well as you initially thought.

  • Meta Analysis: Pay attention to tournament outcomes, deck performance in high-rank play, and the evolving online discussion around new decks and strategies. This information can guide your Wildcard spending towards cards and decks that have proven their worth in the evolving meta.

8. Deciding on Your "Go-To" Deck for the Season

  • Set a Goal: Before spending your Wildcards, decide on a specific deck you plan to pilot for the season, especially if your goal is to reach Mythic rank. This decision should be informed by your play style, the current meta, and the resources (Wildcards) available to you.

  • Flexibility Within Your Deck Choice: While focusing on a single deck, consider variations of that deck that can adapt to shifting meta conditions. This approach allows you to tweak your strategy without needing to invest in an entirely new deck, making efficient use of your Wildcards.

9. Crafting with Longevity in Mind

  • Evergreen Cards: Prioritize cards that have a history of being useful across multiple metas or that are likely to remain powerful due to their unique effects. This is particularly relevant for cards in the Historic format, where their utility won't diminish over time.

  • Rotation Consideration: For players focused on Standard, be mindful of which sets are nearing rotation. Investing heavily in a deck that will lose key pieces in the next rotation might not be the best use of Wildcards unless you're also active in Historic or plan to achieve specific goals before those cards rotate out.

10. Community Resources and Discussion

  • Engage with the Community: The MTG Arena community is a vast resource of knowledge and experience. Engaging in forums, subreddits, and Discord servers can provide insights into how others are using their Wildcards, what decks are emerging as strong contenders, and when might be the best time to make your moves in the meta.

  • Streamer Metagame Breakdowns: Many experienced MTG Arena streamers offer breakdowns of the current meta, discussing new decks, sleeper hits, and potential meta shifts. This information can be invaluable when deciding how to spend your Wildcards.

11. Embrace Experimentation Within Reason

  • Learning through Trial: While it's important to be strategic with your Wildcards, don't be afraid to experiment within reason. Sometimes, crafting a card that intrigues you or trying out a non-meta deck can provide valuable learning experiences and make the game more enjoyable.

Let’s go!

Mastering the use of Wildcards in MTG Arena is a dynamic challenge that balances patience, research, and a bit of daring. The strategies above aim to provide a roadmap to help navigate this aspect of the game, ensuring that every Wildcard spent moves you closer to your in-game goals, whether that's reaching Mythic, exploring diverse decks, or simply maximizing your enjoyment of the game. Good luck out there, planeswalker!

Aaron Stark

Aaron Stark, a fixture at, is an enigmatic yet profoundly insightful author known for his unique blend of humor and wisdom. With a background shrouded in mystery, Aaron purportedly traveled extensively in his youth, gathering experiences and insights from around the globe, which now infuse his writing with a rich diversity of perspectives. His articles, often touching on the intricacies of human nature and the oddities of life, quickly became reader favorites for their depth and engaging storytelling. Aaron's commitment to exploring the unexamined corners of daily existence has made him a beloved voice among the GripRoom community, where his contributions are eagerly anticipated for the laughter and contemplation they provoke.


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