How to Spot a Task Faker in Among Us
Tasks are only available to crewmates, so how do you spot an imposter in the mix? It can be difficult, but there are a couple of signs you should look out for. Learn How to Spot a Tasker Faker in Among Us to better your detective skills.
1. Four visual tasks you can’t fake.
Some tasks have a visual effect on the screen. On The Skeld, there are four visual tasks. Medbay scan, asteroids, garbage, and shields. Medbay is obvious because of the green scan. Garbage will be ejected at the bottom of the ship. Asteroids you can see the gun firing outside of the ship. Shields is the least obvious. Look for two lights outside of the ship. They start white and turn yellow once the task is completed.
2. Time tasks.
Time how long crewmates take to complete tasks. For example, an upload or download is usually ten seconds. If they’re already on it and you go to download, they should leave before you. If they stay on after you, they’re possibly faking it. They could just be looking at the map deciding what to do, or they could be poorly faking a task.
3. Common tasks.
There is a set of common tasks everyone must complete. If someone stands in front of swipe card, and no one else has it, they’re probably faking. The common tasks can be entering an ID code, fixing wiring, inserting keys, scanning boarding pass, and swiping card.
4. Order of tasks.
Some sets of tasks have a certain order. For example, the wiring task in Skeld always has its last wiring set in security. If they go to do the wiring task in security first, they’re faking.
5. Task bar.
If a task is the last one of a set or a solo task, it’ll raise the task bar. You can watch someone at a task and see if the task bar raises when they’re done. If it doesn’t, they may be faking.
6. Task that doesn’t exist.
They go to a task that doesn’t exist that round. Every round, the tasks can change. There will always be people with the same tasks though, so if one person is claiming a task exists that no one else has, they’re probably lying.
7. Keyhole task.
Ask them if they did a certain task, like keys. There are only key holes for crewmates, so if two people claim the same keyhole, one of them is lying.
8. They don’t return for a two-part task.
Some tasks, such as the inspection in Medbay, take two separate stops. If they go in to do the first inspection, then leave, they have to go back at some point to finish the task. If they never do, they may have faked it the first time.
9. They claim they did a task in the wrong room.
If a crewmate says they shot asteroids in navigation, you know they’re lying, since that task is only in weapons. They could be confused, or they could be the imposter.
10. They stand at the wrong spot.
There are many little spots tasks are. If someone forgets where a task is, they may just stand near where they think it may be. Or, just near a random object. If they’re standing still and there isn’t a task there, they could be trying to fake one.