Jesus Christ Trivia Questions

jesus baking a cake

Embark on a journey through the life and teachings of one of history's most influential figures, Jesus Christ. Whether you're a history buff, a religious scholar, or simply curious, this collection of trivia questions will challenge and enlighten you. From the narratives of his birth to the profound impact of his teachings, explore the remarkable story that continues to shape our world.

Question: In which town was Jesus born? Answer: Bethlehem.

Question: Name the angel who told Mary she would have a son. Answer: Angel Gabriel.

Question: What trade did Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, practice? Answer: Carpentry.

Question: According to the Gospel of Matthew, which ruler ordered the Massacre of the Innocents? Answer: King Herod.

Question: What gifts did the three wise men bring to Jesus? Answer: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Question: At what age did Jesus begin his public ministry? Answer: About 30 years old.

Question: Where did Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt? Answer: Nazareth.

Question: Who was Jesus’ cousin, known for baptizing Him? Answer: John the Baptist.

Question: What was the name of Jesus' mother? Answer: Mary.

Question: Which prophet in the Old Testament foretold the birth of Jesus? Answer: Isaiah.

Question: What is the first beatitude in the Sermon on the Mount? Answer: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Question: Which parable talks about a father and his two sons? Answer: The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Question: In the Parable of the Sower, what does the seed represent? Answer: The word of God.

Question: What are the two greatest commandments Jesus mentioned? Answer: Love God and love your neighbor.

Question: In which Gospel is the Sermon on the Mount found? Answer: The Gospel of Matthew.

Question: What was Jesus' first miracle according to the Gospel of John? Answer: Turning water into wine at Cana.

Question: How many loaves and fishes did Jesus use to feed the 5000? Answer: Five loaves and two fishes.

Question: Which sea did Jesus walk on? Answer: The Sea of Galilee.

Question: Which blind man did Jesus heal in the city of Jericho? Answer: Bartimaeus.

Question: What was the name of Lazarus' sisters? Answer: Mary and Martha.

Question: Where did Jesus deliver the Beatitudes? Answer: On a mount, known as the Mount of Beatitudes.

Question: What type of tree did Jesus curse for not bearing fruit? Answer: A fig tree.

Question: In which town did Jesus turn water into wine? Answer: Cana.

Question: Who did Jesus say would deny him three times? Answer: Peter.

Question: What is the Golden Rule that Jesus taught? Answer: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Question: At which pool did Jesus heal a paralyzed man? Answer: Pool of Bethesda.

Question: Who appeared with Jesus during the Transfiguration? Answer: Moses and Elijah.

Question: Where did Jesus calm a storm, demonstrating his power over nature? Answer: Sea of Galilee.

Question: What did Jesus feed 4000 people with, as mentioned in the Gospels? Answer: Seven loaves of bread and a few small fish.

Question: What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding at Cana? Answer: He turned water into wine.

Question: What garden did Jesus pray in before his arrest? Answer: Garden of Gethsemane.

Question: Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? Answer: Judas Iscariot.

Question: What criminal was released instead of Jesus? Answer: Barabbas.

Question: On what hill was Jesus crucified? Answer: Golgotha.

Question: What title was written above Jesus' head on the cross? Answer: "King of the Jews."

Question: Who first discovered the empty tomb of Jesus? Answer: Mary Magdalene.

Question: To whom did Jesus first appear after His resurrection? Answer: Mary Magdalene.

Question: How many days did Jesus remain on earth after his resurrection before ascending to heaven? Answer: Forty days.

Question: What was Jesus' last command to His disciples before He ascended into heaven? Answer: To make disciples of all nations (The Great Commission).

Question: Where did Jesus' ascension take place? Answer: Mount of Olives.

We hope this journey through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ has offered you new insights and reflections. Whether viewed through the lens of faith, history, or culture, the story of Jesus remains a cornerstone of human civilization. May these questions inspire deeper exploration and understanding of the enduring legacy left by Jesus Christ.


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