What is Dropshipping? A Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Side Hustle

Are you looking for a side hustle that you can start without a huge upfront investment? Have you heard about dropshipping but aren't quite sure what it is or how to get started? Look no further, because in this beginner's guide to dropshipping, we'll cover everything you need to know to start your own dropshipping business and start earning extra income on the side.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a cool way of selling stuff without having to keep it in stock. When you sell a product using the dropshipping model, you buy the item from another business, and that business mails it to the end user. You never have to interact with the product. That’s the job of the manufacturer. Your job is marketing and sales.

Dropshipping has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its low startup costs and ease of use. With dropshipping, you don't have to worry about purchasing inventory or storing products, which means you don't need to invest a lot of money upfront. Plus, because you don't handle the products, you don't need to worry about packing and shipping them yourself.

How to Get Started with Dropshipping

Starting a dropshipping business is relatively easy and can be done in a few simple steps. Here's how:

Choose Your Dropshipping Niche

The first step to starting a successful dropshipping business is choosing the right niche. A niche is a specific area or industry that you will be focusing on, such as pet supplies, outdoor gear, or kitchen gadgets. Choosing the right niche is important because it will determine the products you sell and the audience you target.

To choose the right niche, you'll want to consider a few things:

  • Your interests and passions

  • The profitability of the niche

  • The competition in the niche

Ideally, you'll want to choose a niche that you're passionate about and that has a high profit potential but low competition. You should focus on selling things you’re passionate about because the customer will be able to feel you excitement. On the reverse side, if your store is boring to you, it will be boring to the customer.

Find a Dropshipping Supplier

Once you've chosen your niche, the next step is to find a supplier. A supplier is a company that will provide you with the products you'll be selling in your store.

There are several ways to find a supplier, including:

  • Using a dropshipping platform like AliExpress, Oberlo, or Spocket

  • Contacting manufacturers directly

  • Working with a wholesale supplier

When choosing a supplier, consider things like shipping times, product quality, and pricing. You'll want to find a supplier that offers fast shipping, high-quality products, and competitive pricing.

Build Your Dropshipping Online Store

With your niche and supplier in place, it's time to build your online store. You can create your store using a variety of e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce. These platforms make it easy to set up your store, add products, and process orders.

When building your store, you want to think about things like:

  • Your brand identity

  • The design and layout of your store

  • The user experience of your store

Your store should have a clear brand identity and be easy to navigate. You'll also want to make sure that it's optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are shopping on their phones. If you use a site Shopify or Squarespace, this will be done for you.

Start Marketing Your Store

With your store up and running, it's time to start marketing your products. There are many different marketing channels you can use to promote your store, including:

When marketing your store, it's important to have a clear message and target audience. You'll want to create compelling ads and content that speaks to your target audience and encourages them to buy your products.

Fulfill Orders

When a customer makes a purchase on your store, you'll receive the order and payment details. It's then up to you to fulfill the order, which involves placing the order with your supplier and having them ship the product directly to the customer.

To ensure a smooth fulfillment process, you'll want to have clear communication with your supplier and make sure they have the necessary information to fulfill the order, such as the customer's shipping address and product details.

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping

As with any business model, dropshipping has its pros and cons. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping:


  • Low startup costs: Because you don't need to purchase inventory upfront, dropshipping has low startup costs compared to other business models. Not having to rent a warehouse will save you a ton of cash.

  • Easy to get started: With the right tools and resources, it's relatively easy to start a dropshipping business and begin selling products online.

  • No inventory: When dropshipping, you’ll never need to worry about the complications of managing an inventory. Your products won’t be damaged, stolen, or lost in a messy warehouse. That’s not your concern. That’s the manufacturer’s problem.

  • Flexibility: Dropshipping can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, which makes it a great side hustle for those who want to work from home or while traveling.


  • Low profit margins: Because you're not purchasing products in bulk, you may not be able to get the same wholesale pricing as other retailers, which can result in lower profit margins.

  • Limited control over shipping: When you're not handling the products yourself, you may have limited control over the shipping process, which can result in longer shipping times or shipping errors.

  • Competition: Because dropshipping is a popular business model, there can be a lot of competition in certain niches, which can make it harder to stand out and attract customers.

  • Customer service: When you're not handling the products yourself, you may have limited control over the quality of the products or the shipping process, which can result in more customer service issues.

Tips for Success in Dropshipping

To be successful in dropshipping, there are a few tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right niche: As we mentioned earlier, choosing the right niche is critical to the success of your dropshipping business. You'll want to choose a niche that you're passionate about and that has high profit potential but low competition. What products or stores excite you these days? Concentrate on that.

  • Focus on customer service: Because you're not handling the products yourself, it's important to provide excellent customer service to your customers. Make sure to respond to inquiries and issues quickly and professionally.

  • Optimize your website: Your website is the face of your business, so it's important to make sure it's optimized for the best user experience. This includes having a clear brand identity, easy navigation, and fast loading times.

  • Experiment with marketing channels: There are many different marketing channels you can use to promote your dropshipping business, so don't be afraid to experiment with different tactics and see what works best for you.

  • Stay up to date with trends: Dropshipping is one of the hottest industries out there and it's constantly changing. To stay ahead of the game, you must keep up with trending topics and products. The good news is, there are so many industry blogs and podcasts out there that you can follow to keep up with all the cool new stuff happening in the dropshipping world.

Dropshipping can be a great side hustle for those who want to start an online business with low startup costs and minimal risk. By choosing the right niche, finding the right supplier, and building a great online store, you can start earning extra income in no time. Just remember to focus on customer service, optimize your website, and stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. With the right tools and resources, you can turn your dropshipping business into a successful and profitable venture. Good luck!

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