10 Gifts for Dad That Will Never Go Out of Style

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Whether it’s for Christmas, Father’s Day, or his birthday, dad needs love and appreciation. Maybe, you want to get him a random gift to show you care about him. While you’d like to show your love for everything he’s done, dads can be tough to shop for. Here’s a list of gift ideas that will never go out of style.

1. A New Flashlight

All dads love flashlights. They’re useful for finding things in the basement, camping, security, telling spooky stories, etc. The applications for a flashlight are basically endless. Unlike mousetraps, flashlight technology is evolving every year. Check out the latest models.

2. Sports Memorabilia

Even if your dad doesn’t have a favorite team, he probably has a favorite sport. Or something close to a sport. Like chess. Or gardening. You know, hobbies. Everyone is interested in something, and all those things have swag and collector’s items. Grab him a new jersey, or a signed book.

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3. Fashionable Clothing

When dads reach a certain age, they care more about practicality than fashion. Like hiking boots versus nice running shoes to wear at the club. Sure, he doesn’t go to nightclubs anymore (probably), but he probably still goes on vacation. Get him some nice loafers to wear around a fancy Jamaican resort.

4. Tools

Dads like practical stuff, right? There’s nothing more practical than a useful tool. And there’s always a tool missing from dad’s shelf. Even if he says he has everything he needs, you can always upgrade something. Just like flashlights, tool technology is always improving. Maybe you can combine two or three of his existing tools into a shiny new one.

5. Tickets

Dads are notoriously cheap, and they rarely buy themselves tickets to things like Broadway shows, comedy shows, or even expensive seats to their favorite sports team. Show him what he’s missing by getting him a piece of the good life.

6. Luxury Treats

Yeah, sure, dad likes ice cream, but has he tried the expensive stuff? Most cheap ice cream these days isn’t even made with cream or fresh milk. They use cheaper substitutes to keep the price low. This is a trend across most candy and chocolate companies. You’ll need to find an artisan manufacturer. A company that refuses to sacrifice on quality.

7. A Nice Book

Most dads like to read, especially if they’re older, or retired. They’ve got so much time on their hands! But being the cheap old buggers they are, they don’t often splurge on new books. Especially hardcovers. Pick a topic your dad is interested in and sort by publication date on Amazon. Look for a hot new release. Alternatively, check out the bestseller list. Dads like to be trendy even if they won’t admit it.

8. Luxury Coffee Stuff

Most dads like coffee, but their setup is usually prehistoric. My dad drank Maxwell House until I introduced him to grinding his own beans. Now coffee has turned into one of his hobbies. He’s always looking for ways to improve his coffee game. Fresh-roasted beans, a French press, a fancy burr grinder. The gift ideas are endless.

9. Nostalgic Toys

What did your dad play with growing up? Dungeons and Dragons books? An Atari gaming system? Plastic army men? There must be something.  Nostalgia triggers endorphins and makes us happy. It’s the reason so many movies get re-made. Don’t worry if you can’t find originals toys. You can buy refurbished/retro versions of anything. Like a Nintendo system pre-loaded with a bunch of games.

10. Take him to a Fancy Restaurant

Ask dad where he wants to go for dinner. He’ll probably say something like, “Let’s just eat at home. It’s cheaper.” Dads are cheap and prefer to save money than experience a culinary masterpiece. Figure out what his favorite foods are these days and google: Best [TYPE] restaurant in [YOUR CITY]

Make reservations and pick your dad up so he can have a few drinks with dinner. He’s gonna love it. You two can bond over how expensive the sushi is. Don’t let him see the bill.


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