10 Imposter Sabotage Tricks on the Skeld
You’re an imposter. Your heartbeat quickens. How do I work this red map in my favor? Fear not. You can learn how to sabotage as an imposter on the Skeld with these helpful tips and tricks. Each sabotage can be used for different reasons, all in the name of killing without being discovered. Read through and you’ll be a master imposter in no time.
1. Sabotage Reactor
When on the right side of the map, call the Reactor sabotage. Kill someone on in the room you’re in on the right, such as in Navigation, Weapons, or Shield. The Reactor sabotage will draw crewmates to the left side, and people won’t suspect you as much when everyone’s running together to the body.
2. Sabotage Oxygen
Sabotage oxygen to draw people to the right side of the map. If you want to kill on the left side, call Oxygen. It will, hopefully, make people go to the right side, unless you have an annoying crewmate who wants to check for murders on the left side.
3. Sabotage Oxygen to Separate Groups
If people are grouping together, create chaos and separate them, as this sabotage must be fixed in Oxygen and Admin. Be careful using Oxygen with only a couple of people left, however, because it’ll be obvious it’s you if the one person you were with is dead.
4. Turn off the Lights
Turn off the lights frequently. It’s the best sabotage when there are few people left, because it limits what they can see. If everyone’s running in a group, you can kill someone without being seen and blame it on another crewmate in the group.
5. Turn off the Lights, Especially to Stack Kill
A stack kill is when everyone is standing on top of each other and you kill within the stack. It’s hard to tell who actually completed the kill, because there can be many people involved. Turning off lights can make lots of people stack as they try to get the lights back on. It’s even better if you have another imposter messing with the lights as you kill, by turning them off as crew tries to turn them on.
6. Close Doors as an Alibi
If you close doors on yourself and another crewmate and don’t kill them, they’ll trust you more. It’ll look like you’re both trapped in there together, against your will. However, you were the perpetrator all along.
7. Close Doors to Hide Bodies
If you kill someone in a popular area, close the doors of that room and vent out. This will give you more time to get away, let your kill cooldown run out, and let you rejoin the group and discover the body with everyone else.
8. Don’t Stop Moving
If you stop in your tracks and a sabotage is called, people may think you were on the map looking for something to sabotage. Get into the practice of running and while you click so your fellow crewmates don’t think anything is sus. Or just be alone when you sabotage.
9. Sabotage Comms to Cut Cams
Comms is considered the weakest sabotage, but it can be useful. If someone is sitting on cams and you can’t get any kills, comms will cut away their vision. It’s also tricky to fix, so it can be off for a while until a crewmate who knows how to fix it arrives.
10. Sabotage Cams to Confuse Crew
If everyone is moving through their tasks and you don’t want to keep faking with no opportunity to kill, sabotage comms. It removes the map to show crewmates which tasks are next. It’ll make everyone a little disoriented on where their next task was. A little confusion will give you an alibi for acting sus.