10 Tips to Working from Home During a Pandemic

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No one expected we’d be here, working from home when we were normally in the office. Some of us have pets, some have kids, some have significant others in a one-bedroom apartment. We’re doing the best with the hands we’ve been dealt. Here are some tips to help you try to experience some level of normalcy.

1. Maintain your Routine

Whatever your routine was before working from home, try to maintain it now. Cutting out your commute should allow for extra time in the morning to accomplish things. Try not to sleep in right until you work, and make sure to get properly ready for the day.

2. Limit Distractions

Do what you can to limit distractions. Noise cancelling headphones, working in a room away from others, turning the TV off, etc. It can be easy to fall into a weird sense of comfort at home, but distractions will make the day drag on and leave you much less focused on your work.

3. Designate an Actual Workspace

Your brain is a tricky being, and you need to include a workspace in your daily routine to get your brain into work mode. Working from bed may seem enticing, but is not a viable option for the long-term. Set up a desk with your required tools, and make sure you can work there.

4. Eat Meals at Proper Times

It’s easy to get lost in the day and push mealtimes off, or skip them altogether. Carve out regular mealtimes to remain on track with your nutrition, as well as your schedule.

5. Set Up Activities for Pets or Kids

Prepare for a successful day by planning out activities for children or pets to keep them occupied. Pets are a little easier in this respect, but still need something to keep them occupied. Make sure to teach the importance of you having your own space to your children, unless they really need you.

6. Use Breaks Productively

Do you want to take 5 minutes? Go ahead. You can use them to throw laundry in the washer, or wash a few dishes. Using your breaks productively will make your days feel shorter, because you can accomplish tasks at home that you normally couldn’t in the office.

7. Get Outside

Try to move around outside. If you have a meeting you don’t need documents for, take the call outside. Go for a walk on your lunch. It’s important to make sure you don’t begin to feel trapped in your own home. Try to get out as much as possible.

8. Create a Relaxing Environment

Use essential oils, play relaxing music, and try to stay as Zen as possible, especially if there are others in the home with you. Children, your partner, and pets will pick up on anxiety and stress, which could lead to discourse in the home. Try to communicate your feelings as much as possible.

9. Try Standing

When I first started working from home, I placed a stool on my desk and put my laptop on top. It was nice to know I had options for creating a workspace within which I could move around. Being able to stand helps get the blood flowing and breaks up your day. Sitting all day is not a great option.

10. Clearly Define Your Work Hours

Working from home can make it easy to work all the time. You will likely burn yourself out. Start on time and end on time. Turn your laptop and phone off when you’re done to avoid working later than you need to. Taking time for yourself is key.


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