10 Ways to Add Activity and Exercise to Your Daily Life

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Quarantine is making the lives of many a little more stagnant. Gyms have closed, yoga studios have closed, and depending on the stage of your lockdown, even hanging outside with friends can be frowned upon. Finding the motivation to be fit can be difficult. Making small changes and attempts at movement during the day can really help you out.

1. Walk While You Take Phone Calls

If you need to make a phone call, add a walk to the game plan as well. Walk around your home, through apartment hallways, or outside. Moving your body will help keep your brain engaged and blood pumping.

2. Create a Step Challenge for Yourself

This is easier if you have a watch that will yell at you to move your butt. Either way, find a way to count your steps and start a challenge for yourself. get your friends in on it to ramp up the pressure. This is sure to get you moving outside of the house.

3. Zoom Workouts

Do a workout video with your friends on Zoom. Or in person outside. Find a way to get other people excited so that you can all hold yourself accountable.

4. Sign Up for Workout Classes

You’re more likely to hold yourself accountable if you book a class, especially if you need to pay for it. If you sign up for different classes at different gyms you can test out different things, and usually score some great deals. Keep it low-impact if you can.

5. Walk to do Your Errands

If you have errands within walking distance, walk! Even if they aren’t within walking distance, drive as close as you can, and then walk. Carrying the goods back to your car/home will be like a tiny weight-lifting session.

6. Do Push-ups or Sit-ups Every Hour

Doing a full workout can seem intimidating. An entire hour might not be feasible, so you might scrap the entire session. But, if you do a small set every hour you still get similar benefits. Squeeze in a set during your break, and a bigger set at lunch.

7. Take the Stairs

Yes, even if it’s more than three flights. Taking the stairs will improve your cardiovascular strength and work those leg muscles. Start with once a day and work yourself up!

8. Sit on an Exercise Ball Instead of a Chair

Sitting on a ball over a chair greatly helps to improve balance and core strength. It will also help with your posture which leads to less pain in your daily life.

9. Park Further Away

This has multiple perks, the first is that your paint job will be preserved for longer. The farther away you park the less likely you are to be parked near other vehicles, and the further away you park, the further you get to walk. Walking more will keep you occupied.

10. Stand Up Throughout the Day

If you can’t get in a workout, at least make efforts to stand at your desk routinely. This helps get the blood flowing. Get a standing desk or makeshift one to incorporate periods of standing throughout your day.


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