20 Tips and Tricks for Hearthstone Battlegrounds – How to Win More Games

Hearthstone Battlegrounds has captured the attention of gamers worldwide, blending the iconic characters and cards from the Hearthstone universe with the intricate strategic gameplay typical of the auto-battler genre. This guide is crafted to assist both newcomers looking to grasp the basics and mid-tier players aiming to hone their strategies, providing a wealth of tips and tricks to help you conquer the tavern and emerge victorious.

With a solid foundation in the game's mechanics and strategies, you can achieve success in every season, regardless of the changing card pool or unique seasonal features.

Key Strategies and Tips:

1.  Understanding Minion Battles: Your role in Hearthstone Battlegrounds is akin to that of a commander. While you assemble your army of minions, the battles unfold automatically. Understand that your minions will target enemies mostly at random and strategize accordingly.

2.  Aim for Survival: The primary objective is to be the last player standing. Achieving this feat requires a combination of skill, strategic insight, and a touch of luck. Winning combats consistently plays a critical role in this endeavor.

3.  Maximizing Combat Damage: At the end of each combat, if you have at least one surviving minion, you will deal damage to your opponent. This damage is calculated based on the tavern tier of your remaining minion(s) and your own tavern tier level. The remaining health and attack power of the minions does not influence this damage calculation. Understanding this mechanic can be pivotal, especially when planning for late-game battles.

4.  Building a Strong Army: To ensure you have minions left standing at the end of combat, you need to either rely on favorable trades (which introduces an element of luck) or strategically build a more powerful army than your opponent (which predominantly requires skill).

5.  Embracing Decision-Making: Hearthstone Battlegrounds is engaging because it is rich in strategic decisions. From choosing your hero and deciding your minion composition to determining the order of your minions and when to upgrade your tavern tier, each decision plays a crucial role in your path to victory.

6.  Hero and Tribe Synergies: Some heroes excel when specific tribes are present in the game. As a beginner, be aware of this dynamic, but do not stress over it. Focus on learning the basics and improving your overall gameplay before diving into these advanced strategies.

7.  Strategic Flexibility: While winning combats is essential, aiming to win every single round can be an unrealistic goal. Constantly re-evaluate your board, your minions, and your opponents’ strategies to stay ahead in the game. It’s often the correct move to intentionally lose (or hopefully tie) your next combat to level up your tavern tier.

8.  Every Turn: You should be asking yourself, “How do I build the strongest board possible?” This might require you to switch strategies. Beginners will often start picking a certain tribe, then get frustrated when that tribe stops appearing in the shop. “I went dragons but didn’t get any dragons!” This is not an acceptable excuse for losing. You should have pivoted into a different tribe. The shop wasn’t empty, was it?

9.  Watch What Others Are Playing: If you hover over your opponents you can see what type of minion they have the most of. So, if everyone else is going dragons, then you should probably pivot somewhere else, even if you’re the dragon hero.

10.  Economic Mastery: Efficiently managing your gold is a key aspect of Battlegrounds. Don’t freeze the board too much. Re-rolling the tavern costs 1 gold for most heroes. If you freeze the board, you’re losing out on a reroll.

11.  Leveraging the Tier System: Understanding when to invest in upgrading your tavern to access stronger minions is a critical strategic decision. Balance the need for immediate board strength with the long-term benefits of accessing higher-tier minions. Once you get better, you’ll need to know which minions are on which tier for each tribe. Some tribes can build a winning board by staying on Tier 3 or 4 the entire game.

12.  Adapting on the Fly: Every game of Battlegrounds is unique, requiring you to be adaptable and flexible in your strategy. Don’t get overly attached to specific minions or strategies; be ready to pivot based on the available options and your opponents’ moves.

13.  Positioning is Key: The order of your minions can significantly impact the outcome of a battle. Experiment with different positioning strategies to optimize the effectiveness of your minions’ abilities. Generally speaking, you want your biggest minions attacking first, and your weakest/highest tier minions attacking last. The reason you’d want a weak high-tier minion to attack last is that if it survives you’ll do a ton of bonus damage.

14.  Smart Buffing: Prioritize buffing minions that are likely to remain on your board for an extended period, and be mindful of the order in which you play buffs to maximize their impact. Before you waste a strong buff on a minion, ask yourself, “Am I still going to have this card on my board in three turns? Or am I probably going to sell it?”

15.  Know Your Opponents: Keep a close eye on your opponents’ boards and adapt your strategy to counter theirs. If many opponents are competing for the same minions, consider pivoting to a less contested strategy.

16.  Accepting Defeat: You won’t always be able to get first place. Sometimes your opponents will get lucky and build an unbeatable board. At that point you need to start playing for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place. You’ll still gain rating if you finish in the top 4. If your enemy has cards with high toughness, then consider ditching some of your weaker cards for “scam” cards like Leeroy, or cards with Venomous.

17.  Practice Makes Perfect: Mastery of Hearthstone Battlegrounds takes time and consistent practice. Learn from each game, analyze your decisions, and apply those insights to improve over time.

18.  You Don’t Need to Pay to Win: Battlegrounds used to be totally free, but at some point, Blizzard decided the only way to monetize it was by charging people for access to four heroes during hero selection. Unless your rating is extremely high, you won’t need this. You can get first place with any hero in the game if you play correctly. It can be fun to have more hero selection, but it’s not required.

19.  Don’t be Afraid to Experiment. You can’t go dragons every game. You’ll need to figure out how the other tribes work because sometimes that’s all you’ll see in the shop. Watch YouTube videos of the pros. Some of them post videos every day and they’re always playing different tribes. While some games have players that focus on a certain thing (like a Starcraft player who only plays Protoss) this is not the case with Battlegrounds. Everyone must play everything. So, you better be prepared.

20.  Enjoy the Game: Remember that the primary goal is to have fun. Maintain a positive attitude, even in defeat, and focus on enjoying the game. A positive mindset can enhance your performance and overall experience. Even the pros will get 8th place sometimes. Especially if they’re trying something new.

By embracing these strategies and maintaining a flexible, strategic approach to each game, you are setting yourself on the path to success in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Dive into the tavern, apply these tips, and revel in the strategic depth of this captivating auto-battler.

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