Matinas BioPharma Executives Vanish into Thin Air

In a shocking turn of events, it appears that the entire executive team at Matinas BioPharma has vanished from the face of the Earth.

The company, which has been under scrutiny in recent months for its lack of progress and transparency, had promised investors updates on multiple programs by the end of the 2022. However, it's been over a month since any communication from the company, and no one seems to know where the executives have gone.

Some speculate that they may have been abducted by aliens, while others believe they may have fallen victim to some sort of conspiracy. "It's like they just disappeared off the face of the Earth," said one concerned investor. "We were promised updates, but nothing has happened. It's like they just turned into smoke."

Emails to investor relations are answered with vague statements about increasing communication with shareholders in the new year. Could this be the sign of a buyout? A merger? A monster deal about to drop? Or is it a sign that the overpaid executive branch has stopped caring about the peasants that trusted them with their money?  

The mystery only deepens when you consider that the company's social media accounts have all gone silent. It's as if Matinas BioPharma has ceased operating since November 2nd when they released their third quarter results. Earlier in the year, the CEO said something to the effect of: “2022 will be a transformative year for Matinas,” but since then the share price has cratered to near 52-week-lows and the company hasn’t posted anything on Twitter in 46 days. While it’s possible that this is merely just a protest against the new management at Twitter, it’s seeming more likely that the executives have run off with their technology and defected to North Korea. Otherwise surely they would have updated their loyal investors by now.

Many are calling for an investigation into the disappearance of the executives, and the lack of communication from the company. "We deserve answers," said one shareholder. "Where are our updates? Where are our executives? Can someone drive by their headquarters and see if the lights are still on? Maybe throw some eggs at it?"

As the search for the missing executives continues, one thing is clear: Instead of investors being able to buy their parents a new car for Christmas, mom and dad will be unwrapping $10 gift cards from McDonald’s.

If you have any tips as to the whereabouts of the CEO, Jerome Jabour, or CBO Thomas Hoover, please reach out to GripRoom on Twitter. The FBI has asked us to run point on this investigation.

Happy holidays and good luck with your investments.


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