Quarantine Bachelorette Party Ideas

When a bride pictures her bachelorette party, it’s often casinos, clubs, dancing, and anything else involving in a wild night out. Since we’re in an international pandemic, these excitements aren’t possible. However, you can still throw a great bachelorette party with a few adjustments.

1. Ski Trip

Take everyone to a lodge on a ski resort. Dust off your skis and snowboards and have some Covid-friendly fun. If everyone wants to stay in separate hotel rooms, you could be extra safe. If possible, everyone could get tested first and stay in a lodge together. This sport is great for staying apart, and you’re already wearing a face cover.

2. Canoe or Kayak Trip

Take a trip into the wilderness. Paddle, portage, and camp your way through your favorite group of lakes. Bring music, fire starter, and booze to make it an unforgettable bonding experience.

3. Club at Home

If your girl is obsessed with the club, bring her on a pub crawl at home. Decorate different rooms in your house as your favorite clubs. Make them the same themes and create the same drinks you’d have at each place. You’ll get to do a miniature pub crawl and save lots of money doing it.

4. Rent a Movie Theatre

Rent out a movie theatre to watch your favorite movie or play video games. Some theatres allow this, some don’t. See what your local theatre can do. Playing Mario Kart on the big screen then watching Pride and Prejudice just hits different.

5. Poker Tournament

There’s nothing like taking money from and lying to your closest friends. Set up a Texas Hold’em table and play for a prize in the middle. It doesn’t have to be money, maybe alcohol or a jug of water the winner gets to pour on everyone.

6. Take a Road Trip

Go to your favorite destination. A mountain, a shopping complex, a beach, wherever. Rent a party bus. The travel time is just as much fun as wherever you end up.

7. Cocktail Party

Everyone creates their favorite cocktail for all the guests. If you just want a simple night in, this one is for you. You could even theme the drinks for different aspects of the bride’s life.

8. Paint Night

Get a bunch of canvases, paint, and wine. Either hire a professional painter to come to your home (wearing a mask) or watch an online video of a paint class. If you can’t find any, put on a Bob Ross video.

9. Aerial Park

Go ziplining and climb through a jungle in the sky. You can stay distanced from each other and experience a thrilling adventure. Go to a tropical location if you’re able, or just find a local park.

10. Search for Treasure

Set up a hunt for pirate’s treasure for the party. Or, if you want to be surprised, ask some friends or the bachelor party to hide the clues for you. If you’re at a cottage, you can hide clues on different islands. Take a boat, get a designated driver, and follow the clues until you find the treasure (probably lots of wine).


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