Top 30 Questions for Truckers That Won’t Leave

With many cities seeing Freedumb 2022 convoy protests, it’s inevitable that some of them will get stuck there. Whether it’s due to a lack of money, gas, braincells, or maybe they’re just hanging around a street corner drunkenly yelling, “Freeedooooooooom,” the sad reality is that many of these occupiers are bored.

Since the Canadian reputation of being friendly took a sucker punch to the chin last week, here is something you can do to make your occupiers feel more at home. Keep them entertained with these amusing questions. At least while their neurons are misfiring they won’t be honking.

1. Would you rather get a Covid-19 vaccine, or be stung by 2,000 bees?

2. Do you think the shutdown of illegal fueling operations was a hate crime, or a war crime?

3. Would you rather make love to Justin Trudeau, or have Justin Trudeau make love to you?

4. Of all the people you keep up at night with honking, who do you think has more power to end the mandates, the students, or the cashiers who work at Dollarama?

5. Would you rather sleep in a cold truck that smells like pee, or in your own bed with clean sheets?

6. Who do you think was a better commander, Robert E. Lee, or Ulysses S. Grant?

7. What is the best way to clean frozen eggs off the side of a truck?

8. Would you rather make noise all night, or deliver goods for a living?

9. What do you find more offensive, the rainbow flag, or the website for Health Canada?

10. Would you rather eat McDonald’s every day for the next 10 to 15 years, or prison food?

11. How many honks do you think it will take for the Prime Minster to resign?

12. Would you rather the government seize your truck, or your house?

13. If there was a vaccine that prevented brain damage, would you take it?

14. Would you rather wear a mask in the grocery store, or drink 15 liters of water every morning?

15. Who is the bigger criminal here, the dogs you keep up all night with the honking, or the cats?

16. Would you rather replace the Canadian flag with one from the United States, or the Confederated States?

17. If hospitalized with Covid-19 because you didn’t get the vaccine, would you rather be given remdesivir or paxlovid? Both are experimental drugs so choose carefully.

18. Who do you think is the bigger idiot, a journalist that works for CBC, or someone who tries to overthrow the government with a hockey stick?

19. Would you rather get a lung transplant you desperately needed, or honk for 30 minutes knowing that the Prime Minster could hear you?

20. Would you rather wake up in the body of a goose, or a foghorn?

21. If someone parked a car in your living room, put a brick on the horn, and then demanded you sell him your house for a dollar, would you do it?

22. Would you rather show a vaccine passport to eat at a restaurant, or be on a ventilator for six months?

23. Who do you think is smashing the windows of local businesses, antifa, or the drunk riot tourists that are just in town for the weekend to party and yell “freedom?”

24. How much hand sanitizer do you think Justin Trudeau puts on his beaver tail?

25. Would you rather eat a home-cooked meal, or week-old pizza that Larry found in his glove box?

26. Would you rather lose your sense of taste, or smell?

27. Which of your favorite restaurants is more deserving of a Michelin star, McDonald’s, or Tim Horton’s?

28. Would you rather share a bedroom with your significant other, or six jerry cans of fuel?

29. Do you think there was more than a million protestors in Ottawa last weekend, or two million?

30. Would you rather spray-paint graffiti on your truck, or have it vandalized in the night?

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.


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