Uber Eats Pro promo code not working? Here’s the fix

While you might be used to just delivering food, it can be tempting to order some for yourself. If you’ve been delivering for a few months, you probably have enough Pro points to qualify for one of the promo codes.

This is how they’re displayed in the app:

But when you try to put in the promo code, you might get a message like this:

The fix is simple, and I have no idea why it’s displayed this way in the app. But you need to put in the P number, as in P8 in the above graphic, and you need to write the code in all caps.

So, in this instance, if you put in P8PRO30, the code will work. It will give you 15 one-time use 30% off codes that will display in a list. Simply select one to get 30% off your order.

That’s it. Just use all caps and add the P number. (The P number will change every few months.) Enjoy your food and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Want to make more money with Uber Eats? Here are two articles with lots of tips and tricks.

19 Tips and Tricks to Earn More Money with Uber Eats

How to Make More Money with Uber Eats in 2022


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