Among Us IRL Game You Must Try



If you’re loving Among Us right now, you will adore this real-life version of the online game. Find nine friends, wear different colored shirts, and prepare for a murderous night.

mysterious among us bookshelf

Let’s start with the basic premise of the game.

There are ten people, most are innocent, one or two are imposters. Let’s say it’s two for this example. The crewmates have a set amount of tasks to complete in order to win. If they complete these tasks before dying, they win.

The imposters want to kill everyone before the tasks are complete. If they kill everyone or get people voted off before all the tasks are done, they win. It has a 1-1 ratio for imposter to crewmate to win. So, if there’s one imposter left and one crewmate, the imposter automatically wins. Same for two imposters and two crewmates.

The crewmates have tasks to complete, but they’re also detectives. They have to try to remember who was with who at what time, in case someone dies and they have to figure out who’s responsible. Their job is to vote out who they think the imposters are. If they vote out both imposters, they win.

Imposters will try to lead them astray and cover their tracks, so be careful. Try to observe as much as you can as a crewmate, and lie your way out of every mess as an imposter.

Now for the set up.

1.  You’ll need an area to play, ideally with separate rooms. If you have a large home or a barn, these would be perfect. If not, you’ll just have to get a bit creative.

2. You’ll also need a group chat (like over Messenger) with all players. This will be used to call emergency meetings (when there’s no sabotage) and to report bodies.

3. During emergency meetings and when bodies are reported, everyone will gather in the same room. They will discuss for a minute and vote on who they want to cast away. They vote by pointing at who they want at the same time. If they want to skip, they point upwards.

4. One person will be the Gamemaster of the round. They will receive texts from the imposters and sabotage for them.

gamemaster among us person

5. Make eight cue cards with lists of tasks. Make each one a bit different, for example one would have tasks D,C,A,F and another would be C,B,E,A.

6. Make two imposter cards that say imposter at the top and have a list of fake tasks.

7. Write everyone’s names on a piece of paper so you can cross them out as people die or are voted out. This way, you can easily keep track of who is left.

8. Choose a place for the emergency button. This will be the only place you’ll be able to call the group chat for an emergency.

9. Decide on names for each of the rooms. You can use traditional rooms from The Skeld such as Security, Weapons, and Electrical, or make up your own rooms.

Now, some ground rules.

1. Players aren’t allowed to talk during the rounds, only in meetings.

2. You’re not allowed to run, just walk at the same pace.

3. No yelling, even if you’re killed by a friend.

4. Imposters lightly tap players backs to kill them.

murder among us knife stab

5. Crewmates must count down from ten before dropping dead and lying on the floor, waiting to be discovered.

6. Imposters must wait thirty seconds between each kill.

7. If a crewmate’s body is not reported, they can say they’re dead at the next meeting.

8. Jumble all the cards together after each round. This way, everyone will receive a different card as a crewmate of as an imposter.


1. Fix lights (text the Gamemaster to turn off the lights). Can be fixed when a player claps ten times.



2. Music (text Gamemaster to turn on loud music and blur stabbing sounds). Can be fixed when a player sings the chorus to the song.

3. Slow-Motion (text Gamemaster to tell all players to move in slow motion for thirty seconds). Can be fixed when two people reach the emergency button.

4. Close your eyes (tell Gamemaster to tell all players to close their eyes for twenty seconds). Solves itself after twenty seconds.

Among us eyes closed sabotage

5. Room (Text the Gamemaster to send everyone to a certain room (or two different rooms) in one minute or the game is over).


When you’re finished your tasks, there will be a box beside it where you can drop your name once the task is complete. Or, if you want people to know who has done each task, just sign your name on a paper beside it.

1. Padlock – Get a combination lock that you can unlock and lock again for the next person.

2. Communications – Rewrite a certain sentence ten times on a piece of paper.

3. Wires – Untangle the headphones or necklace then re-tangle for then next person.

4. Medbay – Read off the tasks you’ve done, your name, and your color. It’s a visual task but it can be faked by imposters.

5. Navigation – Stack cups into a pyramid. Punch it after you’re done.

6. Shields – Color in a page in a coloring book. Flip the page for the next person.

7. Admin - Flip four red Solo cups. Turn them back over for the next person.

8. Reactor - Throw a ball into a cup at a certain distance away.

9. Oxygen - Create a word from a jumble of letters.

Once all your tasks are done, you tell the Gamemaster. They will go check to make sure you’ve done all of them (that you’ve put your name in the box). If everyone completes their tasks before the imposter kills everyone except one person (two if there’s two imposters left), the crewmates win. If the imposters kill everyone before all the tasks are finished, they win.



Good luck!


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