Relaxing Photos of Nature to Look at and Feel Relaxed, Okay?


Years ago, a meteor destroyed my apartment in Cheylabinsk. So, I move to Canada. Just as cold but the beaver tails are much tastier. Also, more than one kind of toothpaste. Praise capitalism.

You want motivation? My great grandmother was sent to Gulag for training bears at Cheylabinsk Zoo. Women were not allowed to have such jobs. It was different time. Good news though. Grandmother was only in Gulag for six years. It’s probably a record.

Here are photos. Look at them. Feel great.


This photo reminds me of Taylor Swift’s new album, Ever-something. Not bad. Folklore probably better. Such is life.


This path leads to new life. You can walk it, or not walk it. Choice is yours. I recommend maybe running.


I like butterflies. Most will only live for two weeks. Their beauty is fleeting. Enjoy it while you can. Or maybe turn yourself into a Painted Lady butterfly. They can live for 12 months.

Not a day longer.


There is something relaxing about trees when they are not exploding.


These butterflies drank too much magic potion. The one that refills your wizard bar in video game.


Always nice to see family getting along instead of choosing which kid they must donate to Central Committee.


This iceberg is a metaphor for something. Perhaps how your potential is lying just under the surface.

Or maybe climate change.

Up to you.


You ever watch the first Jurassic Park movie? It was the best one. New movies are…like grocery store with cardboard cutouts of fruit.

They look pretty, but you can’t eat them.


When I’m done with writing contract I think I will retire here. Jet Marlowe rescued me from certain death at the hands of giant meteor. I owe him five years of writing. And maybe firstborn. I don’t know. Contract was thick like bear skull.

Hopefully hollow.


This looks like same place but in winter. I find it neat how much Canadians like winter. They’re always skating, or building snow monster.


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